Champions Stats explanation

Can your please explain the champions stats sort names.
Like, wtf is "TF" or "PUK".

It should be a help for this kind of things, because not everyone play Lol. Me for exemple i'm playing this game because I play dota2 and HoN.
ever scrolled down on the champions tab ?
lol, no sorry.

What is the CC? And what means poke?
CC=Croud Control. Like stuns and slows
poke = well...champions that have spamable spells capable of slowly whitheling down the oposing champion out of lane.
poke = well...champions that have spamable spells capable of slowly whitheling down the oposing champion out of lane.
Good example would be Nida Spears, Varus Arrows or Ezreals Mystic Shot (tho none have been implemented so far, just that you get the idea ;) )
I don't know that heroes, i don't play lol.
But i got what it done.

For the admin i think it was easy if the long name of the stats appears when hover it, and it's to done.
Map for shorteners:
Mob -> Mobility
Brs -> Burst
Phd -> Physical
Mgd -> Magical
Sca -> Scaling
Aoe -> Aoe
Uti -> Utility
Esc -> Escape
Lan -> Laning
Rng -> Range
Sps -> Splitpush
Pok -> Poke
Tf -> Teamfights

Some may be obvious, but I'll explain them all anyways.
1) Mobility covers how fast a character can move with abilities, from teleportation, or a dash. It can aide in dodging abilities from an enemy.

2) Burst is how much damage a character can do in a short amount of time. It is a lot different from DPS (Damage per second) where as a high dps could mean someone doing 1000 damage over the course of 10 seconds, which would equate to 100 DPS, but burst is doing, for instance 600 damage in 1 second. Though, they may have little to no damage for the remaining 10 seconds. High burst, but still less than dps in the long run.

3) Physical damage and magical damage, one is more like bullets, swords, fists etc.. and the other would be like fire, lightning, water and so on.

4) Scaling is a champions ability in the late game. They may be weak in lane, like Rocket Girl, but if the game goes past 30 minutes, she begins to shine.

5) Aoe stands for Area of Effect, and that covers for abilities that don't focus on just one target, but a larger area. For instance the Sad Mummy has high cc, and high aoe, which would mean his cc (will explain later) effects more than one target, it effects an area.

6) Utility can cover abilities to boost allies, or healing. For instance Boomerang, while being a marksman, still brings something more to the fight than just raw damage, she aides the team.

7) Escape goes hand in hand with mobility. Most characters that have good mobility, also excel at escaping if they end up caught by enemies in ganks, or just out of position in a team fight.

8) Laning is how well a character performs early on, before a lot of the rotations happen in the game. It traditionally has one of your characters on the top lane, mid lane, two on the bot lane, and your one jungler. A higher laning means they excel at this portion of the game in hopes of gaining an early advantage.

9) Range is the distance of how far a character attacks from. Think distance in the sense of fist against a sword, sword against spear, spear against pistol, pistol against rifle and so on.

10) Splitpush garners how well someone can push down a lane, usually top lane or bottom lane, while everyone else is distracting the enemy team. This can be very advantageous as if your remaining four members can keep the enemies 5 members preoccupied, you could take down a lot of the enemies towers, and perhaps inhibitors with someone Splitpushing top or bottom.

11) Poke is a characters ability to do damage from a great distance. While range I feel is focused on more minor damage from basic attacks, I believe poke focuses on abilities instead. Before a team fight takes place, there is often a period of testing the enemy, where teams will throw out attacks from further away. A team with greater poke will look to do this for longer periods of time, in hopes of weakening the enemy before any actual engagement of a fight takes place. If you can weaken the enemy enough before the real fight, it can be very advantageous. -- Poke can also be very nice in lane, softening up the enemy before your jungler jumps into lane to help kill the foe, or just forcing them to retreat.

12) CC is known as crowd control. These are abilities that range from snares, which holds an enemy in place, to full on stuns, which not only keeps them in place, but prevents them from using abilities as well. How much damage does a stunned enemy do? 0!

13) Teamfights is how well a characters abilities transition into a team fight. While some characters are better at going to side lanes and pushing as a lone wolf, others excell when they have their allies around. Often times, those with a lot of CC will also be very huge in team fight, as it aides in the rest of your team in being able to target that foe, and also be safe from that foe.
Holy Shit man you have too much time :D
Thx tho good work!
many thanks, that is very helpfull
Glad to help : )
Hey AvricArian, is it OK if I take your explanation for the Lolmanager wiki?
I already known that, but a big THANKS for the help to everyone AvricArian ! :-)