How does promoting work?

Okay so we are almost at the end of this season (right?) And i was wondering who will advance to a higher league? Will it be based on elo or current standings? Will there be relegation/promotion matches? (Maybe an idea for the future)
From the About section it says that only the first place team in the league gets promoted, while the bottom 4 teams get demoted.

I'm not sure how tiebreakers are going to work though, because i'm tied for first in my league and we both 1-1 with each other and defeated all the others teams.
But wouldnt that create a big difference in teams in divisions? Like there are not enough teams to join a higher division then (i think)
There are always 4 times the lower division then the higher one. So you have 4 teams from 4 leagues rising to the higher league while 4 teams dro to the 4 different leagues.
No Relegations and so on just the top team from each League.