Facility Changes

Hey already spoke about it a little in another thread, so here is my idea:

Right now you can pretty much upgrade your facilities as much as you want with top teams gaining advantages others cant so they pretty much cant reach them.
How about a somehwat reachable Max. For example lets say Lvl 25 is max with increasing costs.

On Level 25 you get a new option on each facility.
Something similar to keystone masteries and its open for discussion if you can just take one "Keystone" for all facilities or one per facility that reaches Level 25.
Keystones could be things like: extremly good beds which gives you 1.5 times the energy recovery or so (guess on level 25 recovering 37/38 energy instead of 25 would be a little much). For Utilities you could have a different "special" person added like a sportspsychologist improving performance or smth or someone designing the house which improves stream.
Also you could give the Gaming House the option to add more Academy players or instead more full time players.

Tell me what you think about that :)

P.S. Another small idea would be to make the Academy an upgradeble Facility with more slots, better players to find, faster improvements and stuff.