Facility level max

Is there a maximum levels for facilities? Right now I'm at level 10 for gaming gear with no cap in sight.

The reason I ask is because I think there should be one, either through diminishing returns or just a hard cap. As far as I know, facilities provide a linear increase (while getting more expensive), and with nothing else to spend money on once your team is settled (you have good players and you economy is there), there is nothing else to do except buy facilities. If there is no cap on them, in the long term you could possibly break the game with them provided you have the income to sustain it.

Especially gaming gear is reasonably cheap and provides ingame bonuses (by the way, do these bonuses also count for league games?) and training bonuses. If you spend 5-6 seasons investing in gaming gear, things could get silly.
On top of that, newer teams would never get the chance to catch up.
True thing. I think a interesting idea would be to have like lets say max level 20. That would somehow max the game and if the top levels are expensive enough *cough* Utilities *cough* it should be really a big decision which you upgrade first and when (maintanence costs). I think especially with the recent discussions about different balancings (academy/Coach/market/etc) it would be an idea to allow you to use one Keystone upgrade which you can switch for some money if necessary. Like for the Gaming house you can either add 2-x more players for more streaming or more academy players in training or so. With enough ideas you can go for 1 per Facility or maybe add just one thing you can take throwing all facilities together.
Ideas on that would be: Increased training for academies or more energy recovery or so on.
Henri posted it somewhere a while ago.
Should be lvl 100 max.
Well that is really high actually. I mean you need to have twice the amount so for my gaming house i already need 144k...on Level 4
lvl 100 gaming house xD then you need like 100.000.000 or something like that haha
Yeah thats my fear xD
So expensive neither Bill Gates or Donald Trump can buy it.
I do not think I have said anywhere that level 100 should be the cap :D
uhm, wait what?
I am pretty sure you did!

Mark me as a liar, I did it again TT