well im constantly trying to upgrade my facilities because i belive it helps the team,but as a player i cant really feel what i gain from upgrading such things.

so i suggest we might have a stats upgrade explaining what you gain like if you improve the quality of your beds then the stats will say something like +10% faster energy regeneration or whatever or if you are buying a better gaming gear it should say +3 technical or whatever it does that way it would actually make the owner feel that the team is gaining something when you upgrade the facilities.
Yeah would be intresting how it improves the performance and stream quality.
thanks for the links they are quite informative but i suggest also what i wrote in the main post which is to actually include some numbers so the owners can actually feel what are they paying for like i have a level 10 gaming gear but i dont know how much of a diferrence does it make from level 5 gaming gear so i would still like them to put some numbers on upgrade so we will know what we gain from upgrading.