Champions list should be in alphabetical order

I'm going to be frank here:
It's really a pain in the gluteal muscles to try and pick a champion in the champion selection list.

Apparently the champions are listed in alphabetical order as they would with their ORIGINAL NAMES!
However, it is really weird because we are not using their original names, but modified ones, such as The Bull = Alistar etc.
Can we have the champion lists under alphabetical order according to the names that we are using in this game? Like Arch Angel should be listed way before Sad Mummy, even though in the original game, Amumu would be listed before Kayle.
Just click on the name column to sort by name.
Champion ***SELECTION*** menu.
Its when you choose which champion to play for your players (soloq pref etc)

Sorry if I was not clear.
That's a point but
you should not put up champion picks for soloq for now.
There is no training effect now and instalock is not heathly for you soloq winrate.
The automatic system works better here.
Oops, sorry. Forgot that even existed.
Solo picks are worthless!?


.. gg