Strategies should play a larger role in deciding matches

For now, the games are decided primarily on how good your players are.
I think the strategy menu should have more roles in matches. Here are my suggestions:
- Champions can counter each other. For example, if you pick a counter matchup, you should not be stomped in lane because your opponent laner has 3-5 more points in the stats.
- The ability to decide your team's play style. For example, if you decides to pick an all poke comp, you should set the team to play a poke style match, meaning they would not go head first into a team fight, rather, they would decide to maintain a distance between themselves and the enemy.
- The comps can counter each other, like engage comp countering poke comp.

I am aware that this may be farfetched, since there are many other things you guys would want to pan out before hand, and the coding may take a huge amount of work. But please consider putting strategy in a more impactful position in deciding matches outcome, right now its basically who-has-better-players. After all, we are the essentially the managers and game strategists for our team. :)
i think that will be implimented sooner or later, it's anyoing i know but we'll have to wait
considering i lost league games in which my enemy had evil master as adc , since his usual bans were adcs , and i decided to ban adcs as well and first pick the remaining , i tend to agree a bit.

Not sure about the champ countering and the whole team counters either , but teams should perform a bit worse by quite a bit when using a champ that is bad at being adc , as an actual adc...and most likely build it like one as well.

So yeah , i agree that player stats are way too strong right now..and outside of massing coaches , there is very little left to do
That is the plan :)

Henri is working on it and I hope within next month or so we can add more complexity to the game engine :)
Really really cool to hear this! :D

The complexity of strategy would most definitely benefit everyone.
From my experience, once I have really good players in every role, it's just brain-dead easy stomps because I know that no matter what strategies my opponent use against me, I will always win.
The ability to utilize strategy at a greater effect would give teams with average players a chance and teams with crazy good players a challenge they are looking for. This way, it's not who has the best players that wins, rather, it's who is the best manager and strategist that wins.
For a while, I felt that my Strategy was winning me the games, not my player strengths (easily having mid-low tier players earlier and yet winning after a tweaked Strat). Right now, I think that the Champions don't determine as much as the Strategy, but the player strengths do help.