Season skip and reset


It is a bit short notice, but today at sometime I will be skipping the seasons until the first division is filled. All the promotions will be given according to hidden ELO.

As I asked about it in another topic https://www.lolmanager.gg/community/forum/topic/show/833 and most people seemed to liked the idea I think it's okay.

This is to test the overall promotion system and also to make the game more fun as a lot of players have leagues with inactive or weak teams. This will equalize the competition a lot.
Dam was hoping on seeding in league 2 well... Need to sharpen my strategies
5 days before my match with Cloud9, time to work !
well, this is going to be fun, 0-18 incoming XD lowest elo in the division, not even top 20 so i wonder why i got placed so high
i avoided league #1, i'm not gonna get absolutely crushed woop woop.

just a bit crushed instead. @menne, you probably won a lot of sandbox games, even though my teams at #4 (i think, too lazy to check) I've been losing against the top 15 pretty handily.
yeah, i played against all, lost everything xD. damm me for beating up lower elo teams :(, mabye you can take my spot if you promote and i demote :D
The ranking is based on hidden elo, so sandbox games matter es well.

Seems like my hidden elo sucks hard.
i changed alot in strategy, champion and ban wise cause i see a pattern at every team, to bad i ran out of sandbox games so i can't test anymore. used em all playing against every player in the league
I kinda ended up tanking my hidden ELO 'cause I kept trying out things against top teams and trying to patch my holes, kept losing. I'd fare no better up there, Foxtime sucks compared to all the teams in #1 I'm pretty sure :( I ended up getting wins vs all in my league though so not sure how this is gonna turn out
Okay, so how does this work now? When a season ends, I mean. Will the weakest players in a league be demoted to make room for the best players of the lower leagues?
as far as i can see, in division 1, the teams that get placed 10-6 demote and are replaced by the numbers 1 from every division 2. so i guess it's the same for the rest of the divisions
Ahh, that makes sense. ty, menneke93
fun game btw ;)
This is giving me anxiety. I'm in Division 2?! I know my team is pretty good, but I didn't know they were THAT good. I thought my surge into the Top 20 was just a fluke...

EDIT: In any case, I'm excited that I'm looking to finish near the top of my League. I feel as though I'm doing something right. :)
Since divison six gave more money than division seven, I assume division one will give the most per league game?

Would like to know the difference.

*still crying about my hidden elo*
Oh boy, Goodluck to everyone. and myself ;-;
Good thing ! And what about the reset ?
Cryed a little for League 3...Atm playing around Top 20 teams. so why am i seeded as 31-34 :/ Sucks a little to get less money now but at least its not unrealistic to win a lot of games and equal the lower amount + i should be able to get up in the first season :)
When the seeding was made i had an elo around 1350 and got league 2, wasnt even in top 70 Overall i guess xD

Atleast i didnt lose against all other teams in my Sandbox test
Hidden Sandbox Elo OP. Though, this does make me a little happy that I double-checked wins and not just relied on one victory meaning an absolute victory. Plus, having two games with the same setups allows for patterns to be seen. It's nice.
if it makes u feel better kaxi , i've lost to you in sanbox , and i can compete with any team that is not c9 or xenon. Your midlaner seems a bit of a monster , considering he downright crushed mine , and mine is my star player atm.

You should be able to at least compete for a mid tier spot here i guess. Well , i'm probably the same as well , seeing the teams we got here
Yeah, he has been hard-carrying quite a bit. I named him after one of my best friends who plays the game (same as all the starters), and he's been laughing about the results.

"Wait, I went WHAT?! How do I have over 60 kills and under 10 deaths?"

Just a beautiful reaction. :)