Exploitable Champion Pool

The narrow champion pool has made the game exploitable, 3 games in a row my ADC picks big foot and feeds because all marksmen are banned lol.

Hope you guys give to it some priority, at least duplicate the champion pool for now...

Can agree with this yet is hasn't happened to my team yet but I don't want it to happen either
At some point we will start adding champions, but at the moment we have time dedicated to other things.

Meanwhile I suggest countering this strategy by choosing Twisted Fate as your 4th ADC. Better than big foot at least :)
yeah but then they pick pyro girl and yellowcard is the next best mid haha
If you don't ban an adc and if they only ban one than you should be fine. My bans are teemo and warwick and I not run into an issue where my adc is left on a non marksman.
That's just a side solution, that's not the point, I'm just pointing out a problem that needs server side solutions.