Should canceling your subscription return unspent points?

For example, it only takes points from a perticular period, if you were to subscribe for a year and then find you wish to cancel (refund the points to spend at a later date) then you are only charged for the current month or the time used.

Currently canceling subscription just removes without returning points. Unless this feature will be removed and is only around for testing purposes, it seems a little pointless.
Can you think of any other subscription based services that allow this? I think in general they won't refund but I'm sure there are some out there that would return your money if you quit early.
Personally I think it's fine if they keep the extra money, it would be your own fault if you subscribed for too long. However it would be nice if they refunded I just think it's up to the devs to see how kind they are.
I'm not talking about the money, I'm talking about the points. Once your money is converted into points you can't get it back, but if you were to unsubscribe to a plan (maybe you made a mistake) you could gain the unspent points back.

The point to this is, you can only spend the points on subscription, once the points are bought with money they are non-refundable, but ponts should be returned if the subscription is canceled as maybe the user might want to change which plan they wish.
Refunding just to the POINTS of upcoming-purchased things sounds fine.

IE: Give the 1450 or whatever points back to the account itself of a year that hasn't been activated, yet.
Exactly what I mean. It could be you buy 30 days, then realise your not going to be around for a while, you cancel and get refunded the points minus the days you have used including the current day. You can resume the subscription later with your remaining points.
That would be a convenient feature.