Improving Scout System

Firstly, it would be nicer if the maximum amount of money for scouting could be increased.
For example, from 200 (current) to 1000 or something.

I would also like if you could scout better players. Currently finding young talent is more beneficial than scouting, which is not really the case in reality.
The max is actually 500 now (since yesterday I think) and the scout only finds "free agents" (fired players / discarded academy players / non renewed contracts) so the quality of players is raising with time (scouted players seems to consistently be around 6 - 8 stats if you invested 200 from start).
Xethan is correct, it finds discarded players, I do not know how much investment actually pays off since it doesn't seem to matter. There may be a few discarded players come through the market if a few teams fold because they run out of money.
It ranks everyone by how much they invested in the last 30 days. The #1 investor gets the #1 elo player available, #2 gets the 2nd, etc.
Ah I see, didn't see that scouting was based on discarded players.