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Transparency, player energy and balancing discussion

Energy Level

As I've seen there are few questions been popping about how the energy level currently works. I'm going to write the exact details here:

Example scenario - with placeholder values
Player has 90% energy level after daily update.
Player also has a hidden 'energy spent' field which every activity the player does adds to. So until the next daily update let's say that each solo queue game and ranked game takes 2 energy points (I'm not saying it's the real value, but it's an example). Your player does 3 ranked games and 5 solo queue games. In total he has 16 energy spent. Then comes the daily update. Daily update looks that your player is doing also 2 streaming (let's say another 4 energy spent), and also has 2 training sessions) which is another 2 points. This all totals to 24 energy spent in total.

Now comes the energy refreshment part. This works by first deducting energy spent. Right now what is deducted is not affected by facilities or any other modifiers - but I think in the future I will add another layer here that this value could also have *0.9 or *0.8 multiplier when you have better facilities. For example you could lose only 21.6 energy. As right now the system only just restores more energy, but this one would enable you to just lose less energy. As it's multiplication it's a little bit different mechanic.

So after this you have 66 energy left. Then we will start to calculate how much energy you will get back. It has a base value - for example 10% and then it calculates what it gets back from facilities. I'm going to reveal that with level 5 gaming house, level 5 sleeping area, level 5 utilities, you should be receiving 12.5 extra energy %. So in total 22.5%. Assuming. As you spent 24% you should now have around 88% energy left.

PS: There is a difference how the settings take effect between training, streaming VS soloq and ranked games. Because Solo queue and ranked game settings effect the time period after the daily update (because then the games are scheduled), training and streaming will be done while the daily update and therefore will take effect instantly. So basically if you change training and streaming your player energy will be affected by these changes during the daily update while team ranked and solo queue during the next daily update.

Transparency discussion

I would like to discuss debugging and testing transparency as also transparency when the game is actually live.
To make it more clear if there is a bug or if there is something weird or unbalanced I propose for the testing period we

1) Reveal the player skills to 2 decimals (So player who's now 15, would then be 15.64 possibly). You could see more clearly how training is affecting your players and could give more effective opinion on stats reduction or training impact. I'm also going to put under a player stats the stats he has had every day historically so you can clearly see how he's improving.

2) I will reveal the exact values about energy (which aspect takes how much energy and which facility level gives how much energy). I think it's ok since I'm almost certain to change those values as part of the balancement process so you would have to find these out again by yourself when the real game starts.

I believe it won't give out too much information to the current players compared to new as
1) I will be changing the formulas quite a bit before the real game starts.
2) The understanding of the underlying mechanics behind the game will make you understand a lot more about it, but all of such information will be probably available in forums and perhaps in a guide at some point so the new players have still chance to learn the game to the same level of understanding if they research enough.

Balancing discussion

Maybe this discussion should come after we have done the transparency point and people can give opinions on what they think gives too less money, what gives too much money, what costs too much etc. Although I will be probably creating a system that would statistically analyse what is overpowered based on what average top teams use for example. So if I see that top teams tend to use some feature too much and some feature too less I could balance it this way, with notifying before hand of course.

Thank you for your feedback!
I like the idea of a little more transparency for testing.
I want to clarify.
we have two of the same player. 50 one from another energy 100.
whether they play teamranked differently?
that is, whether the energy affects the skill players?
Yes. As long as your player has energy in the range of 75%-90% the energy won't affect your player's performance or the performance is essentially 100% of what it should be. If your player goes 91% or higher he will perform worse. The more higher the worse and the same when under 75%.
With the current formula 100% is as bad as 65% energy.

The reasoning for the upper limit is that your player hasn't got enough experience or warm up as of late and it gives an interesting mechanic where you have to stay manage your player so he doesn't go out of the bounds.
What would be good now would be some sort of retroactivity of the schedule. I will explain :

Yesterday I noticed that my players were 60% energy with the schedule i had set for them (15 session, which is way too much i realize now) so, in the morning, I changed to only 8 sessions. Problem is, the update doesn't work for the current day, so even with their 60% energy, they did their 15 sessions (I guess) and now they are 40% energy.

Needless to say i'm getting raped again and again and i dropped about 100 elo, so i guess i'm killing my players :D.

It would have been good if after I updated my schedule yesterday, it would have been imediatly updated, and not the day after. I don't know if this is possible, but it would allow more flexibility when you want to test your players energy ability.

EDIT: New stat ? Personnality ?
Thats good but as of now, not knowing energy usage can get you screwed because you gain the information at the same time your ranked games are updates so you need to wait yet another day to do anything about it and you lose more energy.
Every tab in facilities should have explanation what it will affect the same way it is in updates, i find myself checking updates back and forth reading what this does what and imo it should be in the same tab.
Maybe this topic isnt the place for it but i would like the way for sorting players(just like champion bans is enough) and some better update system so i i want to change one statistic in every player i wont have to do 20 clicks.
Another thing. Should we reveal the bid count on coaches?
I think the whole energy thing is broken. Cause in real life, you see ppl practice 16 hours a day every single day. Without it really having an effect on their play. What you should do is simply add 16 sessions to each player, the energy thing is simply a part of the game that is not enjoyable. To a degree it just breaks the game, 16 session per player is way better than that and have us use those 16 as we see fit, like on the coach, we dont see the coach having energy? why is that then, doesnt he get tired after 10 sessions of coaching? Also i think that we should be able to use our soloQ as a streaming spot, what i mean by that is that we can decide to have our players play lets say 4 soloQ games and we can decide how many of them we want the to stream. You basicly see players now a days always stream soloQ.
What would be good, in my opinion, is a certain number of "sessions" based on an attribute (like endurance or something). Facilities could give bonus to this stat and increase number of possible sessions. I don't mind the energy system, but it can be really harsh right now, and hard to play with.

And for the coach bid, i would like the same kind of bid that with the player. It's just annoying to wait a single day to get a "lol nope someone offered 10k + 1 baby sacrifice each day to the coach".
Henri, revealing bids on coaches is a really good way. I am fed up of bidding for 4 coaches because I just want 1.

I did propose a ebay style system for the market and coaches where you give the upper limit to your bid, but it goes to the previous highest bidder's price, so when a new bidder bids under your highest price you don't get over bid but when they bid over they go to just above your highest bid.

I think this reduces the advantage players have from bidding last minute by just being online at the right time.