Limitations to prevent debt and a general debt idea

Seems like you need to have atleast the following money balances
- 2x of the initial investment for facilities
- 10x the salary to hire coaches and rep managers

I like the idea with the coaches to prevent insanely high salarys but the facilities algorithm is a little bit stupid.

The limitation there should take your predicted income and predicted outcome into account instead of the 2x rule.

Moreover im not sure if you are trying to prevent players from going into debt completely.
I think debt is an essential part of every manager game. A good knowledge about when you can afford to go into debt and when you cant can give you a pretty big advantage compared to others.
I would suggest to implement somethink like a bank where you can get loans for some fixed interests.
Having to pay interests makes the whole calculation more realistic and complicated, plus players would go controlled into debt.
The bank ofc should only grant you the loan if e.g. your daily income- daily outcome is >=0.8* the daily interest.
The 0.8 is to open up the possibillity for bankruptcy at some time. Maybe with the bankrupty option the scout would be more usefull aswell.
Maybe also take the remaining time of the players current sponsors into account.
I think debt is really a good thing as long as you are able to get out. So there should be a bank with 0-5% Bonus you have to pay back. I get nearly 14k a day after all expenses so i could go into debt for 100k and would be out in under 10 days.

At least the new bancrupty system punishes you if you are never able to pay back by a fair punish.