Show win/loss for specific champs in SoloQ

It would be nice if we could see which Champs our Players are doing good in SoloQ with easier. Atm u can only see general win/loss in soloQ, but for champs it only shows how many games that champ has been played. So if u want to know if ur Player is actually doing good with that champ u have to scroll trough his matchhistory and figure it out urself, which is gonna be impossible once they have a bit more games played.
Something like this would be awesome: http://i.imgur.com/7oYebcv.png
(A win percentage per champion would also be nice, but thats more of a luxury.)
Yes, this has been reported many times now. We are going to re-do this part soon. For example we also need to add different strategies for each role when they play soloQ. We will let you know when we have time to-do it.
Not just personal too, but global statistics for this would be nice - it would help develop a sort of meta for lolmanager if everyone had access to the stats concerning which champs/strategies are doing the best overall.