I've noticed that I'm only ever competing with nearly the same 4-5 people over the past few weeks on players in the Market. Haven't these people already purchased good enough players? I mean, I know I'm not getting the fantastic deals; someone's getting them, and I'm always overbid at a time when I can't counter-offer, especially when bidding wars take literally hours to resolve.
The fact that you can check your "opponents" current balance is not helping here.
Yeah, it's kinda lame. I'm trying to keep a budget, and this whole jockeying nonsense is really getting to me. Sometimes I wonder if the same people are just buying great deals and then turning them around for a minor profit, forcibly driving up prices so that only the rich can afford the decent players.
That's some crap right there.
well but to put it into the perspective of someone who mainly sells pretty decent players on the market you always want a fair price for them.
My finances look pretty decent at the moment but selling etc. has always a risk which should be awarded in some way when you take it
I'm talking moreso about monopolizing the market, not doing a cost-gain analysis. Knowing what you can get for players is one thing, pushing that envelop and getting lucky with competitive buyers is another...but another altogether is the potential for a small group of individuals purchasing any decent deal, thus artificially adjusting market prices. By artificially creating demand by using an existing pool of money, you can lock out a large portion of potential buyers, making it near impossible (or at least delayed through slow gains and Academy) to obtain players.
But, of course, I acknowledge the risk that normal sellers take. Demand, pricing, timing...all factors weigh in on sellers' abilities to make a profit; elsewise, they go in the red.
I do understand your points..
Do you have any solutions or thoughts on how that development can be adjusted? Trying to think about some on my own but I can't really offer any nice ideas right now
Well I did previously use the market to get academy players then sell them on for a profit, usualy between 5k to 10k profit at the start but I have since stopped doing so, only selling off my old players. If your looking to fill out a team check the academy, Generally any player with over 10 as a main stat should be going for 2k+ there is noting fishy about it becasue thats how much they are worth in the academy, Maybe a bit more, don't be supprised if they are priced higher.
No one has the resources to create artificial demand. I think the day traders evening out the market is a good thing. The demand is there but the guys who need the players can't get them because people are selling at off-peak hours for half the price.
I know it's basically not the case, but I was proposing a situation that was popping up in my head. Oh well. :D
What I'm thinking is that people can only purchase a set number of players per day from the market. Maybe 10 to stop the potential fringe cases.