Is renaming player really a good idea ?

I understand the fact that we all needed to rename our player after our first 5 players being useless in the start of this test round. I also understand that people need to rename player that have bad auto-generated names. But is that a good idea ? In a way, we are managers, and only the player should be able to rename himself.

I'm saying that for a coherent and good game background. Even if I like the idea to name my player after some of my friends, for example, i'm liking even more the idea of naming someone after a friend of mine, selling him cause he is not that good, and finding him on the market, or even better, on an enemy team some time later. It would give the impression that the player have a real impact on the whole game.

That would also give opportunity to define very good player. If the players name remain the same, we could not only try to buy a good player, but we could try to buy THE player. Like "Yes, i managed to buy FireStorm, one of the best player, in my team!" and not just "Yes, i managed to buy a good 20 stat player. I'll rename him".

Not sure if I make this understandable.

So my idea would be, why not give a manager the opportunity to rename a player only once, to avoid random names ?
If you go to reports you can see what the next guy renamed your players to after you sell them.
I don't have problem with finding my player after them being renamed, I have a problem with the fact that anybody can do that, since, in my opinion, it destroy the opportunity to have a background for the game.
I thought about having renaming your players as a subscriber feature when the game actually starts. But perhaps each player could have a limit where you can rename it once or twice?
Both would be a good idea.
We're still at a point where we know that nothing matters that much since a reset is coming soon anyways, so why bother creating a background for players?

Should this game become stable I might agree with you but right now it's circling fast enough for unlimited renames being the better option
Obviously yes, right now it wouldn't make much sense, but sugestions are for the long run (devs already have a mountain list of features to add or correct). So yeah i'm proposing this for the stable release, as should be any sugestions right now.
I basically don't like the idea to put a limit on rename or even delete it since well our goal is to reach top teams with ours, and it would be even more satisfying if you can put your own nickname. Since i started play LoLManager i've been jocking with a friend about the soloQ player that have his name and I dont really want to get random nickname in my team even if that mean less background.