- Change and tweak lot of balancing. Supports should be getting a lot less kills and dealing a lot less damage while now they have the ability to heal the team.
- Address the issue with teamfights happening instantly where both teams suddenly explode. Teamfights should happen over a longer period of time now while some actually stay alive
- Fix problem where blue bot lane was often past the purple bot lane
- Improve jungler algorithm slightly
- Balance farm/harass/kill. Buff farming and hugging turret compared to harassing and killing. Let's see how this will affect the balance.
There are probably still issues with GS that make it unrealistic and have weird things happening, but tweaking and improving it to be what it should be can take some time, but I'll keep working on it and I'm sure it will be eventually decent. Next step would be to keep balancing it and add new features such as baron and dragon as these would help making the game more realistic - baron can help end games in a more interesting manner for example.
As interesting side thing I'd like to share the best teams with the previous game simulator release - here's the top 10 by hidden ELO (like team ranked ELO, except takes into account also sandbox games and league games):
Will these be in effect during this evenings league matches or after the daily update?
These are in effect from the moment of deployment aka 17 minutes ago.
So would you say that the technical stats are enhanced now if you orient players to farming? As in the benefit of assigning farm mode to the mid player whos tech is for example 10, if far superior then assigning farm to an top laner whos tech is 5, considering their role stat is equal. Also i have noticed the money or farm doesn't matter much in the end result. my team has been ahead more than 5k gold at 15 minutes, but since their team got the first push down one lane, they still win and even the gold although my strat is also to group at 15. Does gold have a bigger inpact of the result as well from this "patch"?
Technical stat affected last hitting already before and it is still affecting the same right now.
The gold impact wasn't necessarily changed right now, but the fact that teamfights aren't instantaneous anymore should influence gold impact, as gold affects the damage, defence and utility teams have in the teamfights.
Gonna miss the supports going 18/1/20 while the adcs go 8/15/34
Nice, should be fun to figure all the new stuff out again :) Is it ok if I print that list out and frame it?
Hi, first of all good work! Secondly I think that with the new patch there is also a new bug. For example game: 405328. The botlane from purple side goes to their T1 turret no matter what happens. They are killed to quickly to see if they stay there (like the old issue with the blue toplaner afk-ing at T1).
Also the purple toplaner seems to be afk-ing at his T1 turret in this game: 405309. But this may be intended.
This is so weird, as soon as this update went into effect i lost 95% of my games.... it boggles my mind considering my team mmr was 1270 and was 3-0 in my league, suddenly today it i won maybe 2 games out of the 25 sandbox games and lost 2 ranks, even after massive changes to my player's playstyle, seems like my team just can't stay alive at all early game no matter what. always end up kills behind by the 10 minute mark... idk why, even if the anwser is generic could someone share some insight on this drastic change of result.
so in this game : https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/replay/405536 as you can see at around 16 min they face off at the blue buff area, that fight lasts 2 whole minutes in which i almost lose an inhib turret because of that. Because of the minion wave that is build up my whole team goes there and because of that we lose bot inhib. My team then goes to bot to clear minions at 23.00 and then just cut across the jungle ignoring the enemy team that is running it down mid, forcing them to recall because they now take mid inhib. Then the enemy team just tanks the top inhib turret at 28.00. A fight breaks out which i win cause i have more kills and more gold but because my 10-4 adc, 3-1 top along with my supp take a whole minute to kill the enemy 1-5 top and 2-6 supp i lose the game.
From in the top hidden MMR, now my team is pretty shit tier. Gotta rework some strategies, looks like. :<
Nice to see an update on the simulator though, looking forward to figuring out the new strats!
Current analysis of the new simulator version over 999 games:
Games 999 Average duration 32 minutes Average kills 39 Average money 38427 Average sim 2.2354 Blue wins 53% Avg elo winner 1296 Avg elo loser 1264 Avg skill winner 25 Avg skill loser 22 Array ( [winner] => Array ( [adc] => Array ( [kills] => 9 [deaths] => 3 [assists] => 8 [gold] => 6416 [damageDealt] => 27645 [elo] => 1309 [roleSkill] => 25 )
I'm actually slowly indexing the entire user/player/team/game data right now to further analyze it. If anyone is interested in helping me with it (or if you want access to the api I'm creating), tell me so in this thread. Also, if any of the developers read this, is there a way for us to get access to some sort of api?
I keep losing against certain teams because they group faster.
My support reaches mid first just as his whole team does. My jungler joins, support dies. My mid joins, both die, my top and adc join, die as well and the enemy just pushes to the nexus.
Sorry but that's killing every strategy I had set up so far just because they group delayed by default.
I was considering come back but after few changes I finally get my new team.
Would like to see an announcement 24h before an update goes live or reset the sandbox games. Nothing big, but some people might be mad, cause the spend all their games just before the update.
At 16 minutes my team decides to group and join the fight in midlane. The fight lasts till the end of the game with noone dying while minions push toplane and win.
Definitely when we end the testing period this kinda updates will be announced few days before.
It might be that my support likes to farm and KS, but 1/3 games at least he gets same CS than the adc, and after I changed his attitude from kill to harrass I still see lots of kills on him, but the average said otherwise. I'm quite confused with this :p
@Netstand I do not really see,how that topic fits my concern. "soon" is ok for updates on future plans, but it might not be accurate enough to get sandbox games refreshed in time. Nobody will stop sandboxing for three days because of such a topic.
Just a minor point and not really important. No worries!
You might want to look into the junglers some more, enemy top was constantly pushing, taking first, second and inhib turret while everyone ignored him. Okay mabye not a jungler only thing but atleast someone on the team has to respond other then the top laner
Enemy team and mine grouped at the same time. Too bad they grouped behind me.
Watching a few other replays it just seems that the only thing that matters right now is when, how and from where people group. Everything else is negligible.
I love that funny bug when there are two teams who have their ADC play "very far behind" and just watch them stare at each other after a teamfight until the other players come along for more slaughter.
Game lasted over 80 minutes. In every single minute, my team was utterly dominating the enemy team. My team had over 4 times the amount of kills vs. the enemy team, and over 3 times the amount of gold than the enemy team.
My concern is the fact that my team was unable to close out a game that was practically won in 30 minutes, and somehow lost with 6k gold lead.
Since the new game simulator I had like 1 or 2 games where I had way better stats and everything and I still lost the game. The Movement my team took didn't make any sense here.
I had three times as much gold and the kill score was at like 79 to 16 in my favor, still I lost.
https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/replay/415311 i got some props when i we get to like 00.13.00 min all players standing still and do nothing. please check this issue, and try fix the prob. Thx alot
from min 40-60 both teams are basically doing nothing. The push wave / push turrent calls seem to be pretty bugged and they open the possibillity for an endless game.
https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/replay/431599 lol, when my team gets to enemy inhib turret it just turns into a 1 hour long teamfight xD game just ended because 1.20 gets reached. mid lane got 80+ kills and jungler got a score of 0-1-0 XD
https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/replay/431302 Something went terrible wrong with this game, after 20 minutes both of our teams got 100k gold each with over 500k gold total at the end of the game.