Games View-Able?

I believe Sandbox games should not be able to be seen from other players (staff aside). Ranked games and League Games are of course a different story, as just in the real game, people can see that information. However, I feel Sandbox is more like scrims, and you should not be able to see someone's games at that can lead to an unfair amount of information.

Furthermore, I do not think you should be able to do sandbox against people in your own league, unless both teams allow it. I admit, with the current system, I ALWAYS scrim people in my league to make sure I can win. That is highly unfair, but currently possible. It should not be possible.

Last bit of suggestion, when a friend option becomes available, you should have a spot that reads: Users allowed to see my Sandbox Games (maybe change the name to Scrimmage): Then you can set what players can look at them, or just select everybody.

As always with my topics, please do add your own stuff, criticize me, and so on. Any addition is welcomed and encouraged =D
You raise a really good point which I haven't actually thought about. It really should not be possible to scrim teams from your own league, I absolutely agree.

With making some changes and testing out different picks & bans you can definitely come up with a winning strategy against opponents that are in at least the same ELO range (+/- 50).
That's a pretty nice point I haven't really thought about yet but when you type it down it all makes sense and seems logic!
We have discussed this and we agree with your points. We will figure out a solution for this in the coming weeks. Sandbox games will not stay as they are in their current form.

Again, nice to see that you guys are thinking in the same direction :)
I'm wondering if I am allowed to know what came of this from any of the staff members =D