About the matchmaking though - In the match stats it shows the ELO the player currently has not the ELO the player had the moment the game was played - perhaps I should change that.
Well he is a smurf obviously
I also frequently encounter those type of games where one player single-handedly wins a SoloQ game. It's weird but possible i guess. :)
SoloQ or perhaps the matches in general does seem very weird. one of my first players has 1503 elo (14W/8L). has one point in adc and 3 in tech. while my best player on the team. 1239 elo (9W/9L) 8 adc, 8 top, 8 mid, 2 sup, 6 jung. 6 lead. 2 tech. maybe i should put my 1503 elo on the team instead :/ my worst player is doing it best in the soloQ :/ or am I reading the stats wrong :S?