I'm sure you've already thought of this

But seeing as the Youth academy atm is how people are replacing thier players with immediate returns and a YA is ment to be a long term investment that gives returns at a date later than investment and you already have player ages associated with YA. There should be a Minimum age before a player can be hired to the main squad. Also transitioning that into player decay and providing ages to the main squad seems the proper way to proceed in the future since right now the game balanced on how much money you were willing to provide tol your youth academy and not on strategy or training.
The way to go right now is to spend hard on academy but then have the proper strategy. If everyone has good players, strategy will be more important.

But I agree, academy training should be way easier
But thats the point the academy isn't ment to be a right this second fix invest in buying players its supposed to be future players that you are training to replace your first team down the road not tomorrow. Hence put restrictions on the academy so players can't just hire sell hire sell and not only destroy the player market but also the competitive balance that they were trying to go for with those starters that had no skills above a 3. They even admitted the academy thing was an oversight.
Let's reach final balance step-by-step. The academy thing is the way to go right now, we need an alternative but let's not suck the fun out of the game until we have an alternative
It's called ideas and suggestions. He wanted to share an idea/suggestion.
Etosh is obviously highly benefitting from the rng of the academy and its instant impact no big. I figure they are goin g to do more resets before the game is truly ready no big Just figure if they want the game to work as it seems they do would be best to make restrictions to keep what happened this time from happening again