Best Of 1 Tournament

Hey Guys,
I once played a Online Football Manager Game and they had a Best of 1 tournament which was as long as 1 season and I really enjoyed it, maybe you could also implement this here. :)

I don't think that BO1 system is good, maybe only in qualifications
I would love for some kind of parallel tournament that is

a) very short
b) somewhat luck dependent

Maybe someone has a grand idea? Maybe it could be a daily thing?

Like each day, the player teams are randomly assigned a small tournament (8 teams) in which they play BO1 in a KO-format. One game in the morning, one in the afternoon, and final in the evening.
And the price for winning R1 could be like 1,000$, being in the final 1,500$ and winning 2,000$.
It wouldn't flood the market with money, it wouldn't matter too much and it would be something fun to do for us.

Alternatively, but this might be way too much work, this tournament could be done in 3v3's (i.e. the ARAM sort-of-equivalent), but I suppose this would require major efforts, so probably not.

Anyways, I just wanted to throw some ideas out there, because I really like the idea of a not-so-important-but-very-frequent-small-tournament.

What does everyone else think?
Personaly, I don't like "lucky" in "strategy"
Well, luck wouldn't be that much of a factor in what I proposed. It's just that somedays you might get "lucky" and get a bunch of 1100 ELO teams, and some days you might be "unlucky" and get two high elo teams.

Alternatively of course these daily tournaments could draw players from ELO pools (i.e. only teams with ELO between 1300-1350 play together, 1250-1300 etc.).

That would make it fairer, but I'm not sure if that's possible?

The idea would be to give us something more to do and for it to be a fun thing :) The money rewards are really small and wouldn't create super-advantages.
ELO pools is good idea. Thedy it would be fair.

BTW 200 posts!
We can do it by ourselves with a detailled post in "General Discussion", some Sandbox Game, and a good organisation.

Like Team A vs Team B - (16.06 / 18 Jun) BO3 is a good setup to start with just for fun you know ^^
I like your Idea guys, but I wouldn't like a short tournament, my idea was more like Premier League and FA Cup. :)
There is already the League, but now that you talk about BIG leagues, what about a World Championship ? x)
Essentially he's proposing an open tournament that is a best of 1 like that of most countries open tournaments that take place throughout a tournament so that teams of different divisions have the ability to compete and there be a prize at the end for the team that wins. Actually a cool notion though 1 that doesn't truly exist in the esports genre to this polint that i've seen though very common in soccer(sorry i'm american).