What did you change around to almost triple the game length and get the win?
Btw, looks like purple needs a different strategy overall or is just weaker in general. Gotta look into that.
EDIT: ahh, toplane
I honestly don't know, my only good players are the ADC and the Top Laner, so everyone else usually gets trashed.
I've had quite some games where I can turn around from a relatively lost lane. Maybe it's the strategy, idk, but all our games were pretty close, could have gone either way :)
Not really. The games are predetermined.
The game will always end up the same depending on the input. There is no rng involved.
Which is why I won my last two games after banning out your adc after seeing how he wrecked me ;)
Haha, well played! I Guess I need to increase my adc champion pool xD
Purple side seems quite weaker when it comes to sadnbox mode. Sadly my adc is my worst player over here he is 4 pts behind everyone else :(. I really want to put together a good purple strat but that requires someone playing against me so I can keep changing it.
p.s. Also good team you have there psyman. Your strong point is definitely your adc it seems either in strategy and or just skill based is he 12 adc and whats his tech?
Yea it's a 12 with 0/8/11 AGG/LEA/TEC I'm not even through positions in general. So far I prioritize Frost Archer and Rocket Girl, Botlane is kill/harass, support is with my general strategy always more important, hence it sucks that I only got a 5 supp out of the academy, but that should clean up soon.
Almost done with champions in general though, thanks for your help by the way!
EDIT: Stop banning pyro girl :p
Shes to much of a threat XD she's amazing if you have her ( i use her at support) , but annoying aginst decided best to ban her instead of frost archer. ( in beta frost archer was OP not so much now :P)
EDIT: your mid and adc seem good as is. They are consistent and doing well. I consider support and jungler as roles that are just there to help the others. So my suggestion try and find a way to get your top laner to play better. He seemed to get stomped alot in my games. (If he isn't a 12 than that might just be why.)
EDIT 2: You like my second teams adc choice? lol the experiment seems to work bt sadly they are only 7's and 8's atm. :(
Card master does something funky to games in general. I don't know if the devs threw in a random global effect for giggles or something but just picking him definitely changes games around.
My toplaner is 6 or something. Don't really pay attention to him until I fixed support. Haven't even started picks with supp yet and just autolock bull.
From before the reset I remember support being definitely way more dominant than people thought it was. But I'll have some more sandbox games tomorrow to look at that.
Makes sense than that your toplaner isn't doing to hot. Id say check out the magical damage supports.
Look at this game my support and top couldnt decide whether to group or not for a good 5 mins lol.
Jungle on heavily gank oriented, supp on harass, did you set top to farm or hug turret?
qq rip and here i am in a bind after the reset xD
Won once and lost twice against you. You seem to have a formidable team strategy I guess, considering I spent quite a bit of time theorycrafting my team and invested heavily into the academy.
Problem is that my TOP and SUPP are also only around 6. Without welfare at this point in time I'm hard-pressed finding good replacements. Might be that I have to stick to those two for now.
Also, you're absolutely right with Purple side being at a disadvantage. This was stated by the Devs before and they said they were looking into it.
*EDIT: At about 19mins, my MID and ADC won against four of your team (though they died in the effort). That was the Play of the Game I guess :D
Overall the theory is solid and I believe balancing works. It's definitely easy to win even with players who are 2-4 points behind if your strategy is superior.
However, I feel like some picks still matter way too much and fit in almost any comp.
Will see if there are any special cases once I tried some of the AP supports though.
Thanks for the matches, Moldef.
Why did you pick Armadillo top the first game against me? I think I singlehandedly won just off that matchup.
Just tried a couple of stuff. Won the initial one with standard, but seems like the extra shenanigans are game losing.
I don't know what works yet, so I thought I'd try out everything.
My first priority was picks and bans so I threw in every champ and tried different tiers. Thanks for the matches guys :)
EDIT: Dunno. Somewhere in the middle I switched one ban out. Maybe try your original setup again, I should have that one covered with some minor changes.
I wont tell you exactly what i put but I will say I have never had good results with farm or hug turret truthfully any of the others works well with top.
yeah notice the switched bans. Acutally some sort of must ban/first pick, as I feel right now.
Tried one AP sup version, but not enough games available for now. Do not really like it though.
Thanks for the games.
Either a full ap utility support or a utility balance dmg support worked for me.
There is too much Utility needed for the supp to ignore it in my opinion
Haha, we just had a ranked game against each other. You won! Congrats!
Hope I can take my revenge one of these days :P
Small world, eh?
2 games per team if I read correctly. Can't wait for the rematch!
Might wanna ban something else than banning The Bull though ;)
that was the leauge. ranked games are probably based on elo?
Yo psy check out the last game I played against you. Decided Id play you 3 times a day so be ready.
Yea... that belongs to the bugforum.
I've had this headsmashing in mid happen a lot to me today.
The Bull seems to be the most popular "tanky support", and I'm banning away Card Master and usually try to pick up Sad Mummy, Evil Master, and, if possible, Pyro Girl (though she's often picked before my supp gets her).
Apart from these mentioned champs I'm not sure if there's any "superstrong" champs around that would be worthwhile banning? What's your opinion? Pirate King would be another option, but he's also my #1 pick for my toplane so I'd rather not :P
*EDIT: Unfortunately I spent the 1st and 2nd wave of Welfare in the airplane travelling, so I didn't get to pick up more Academy Players today. Quite unfortunate.
I'm guessing I'll not be climbing much today, but hopefully I can grab a great SUPP and TOP tomorrow and start pushing for the Top 20. Although I also want to play quite some Solo-Q games now to get some much needed player elo for good sponsors :P
Oh well, so many choices :D
Meldof I wont tell you everything that I know id say do some test yourself. But i believe what you have so far is on track. Card master, pyro girl, and the top laner you said (which i blieve is the best toplaner but im bias.) R usually highly contested pics. There is one or two hot picks id say in the mid position but for banning purposes i feel what you got is fine.
Just because it's the most popular doesn't mean it's the best.
Bull is mediocre, not bad, but not amongst the stronger picks.
Letting it open weakens your opponent, banning it might mean you accidently give him a stronger pick.
As for the rest, looking into it after the weekend.
Well I'm still constantly changing up my bans at this point, but yea, I'll see what I can play around with to make my 2nd ban more worthwhile.
We're all just testing I guess :D and the game will reset in about 3 weeks again I think :)
I dare you guys to challenge me, got a pretty good strategie and a solid roster Dont think i lost a game since the last daily update.
I played your team 10 times. Ended up 5-5 overall not half bad on my end,
If they just would add custom league ;)
You seem to have a good team and on top of that equally good strategy. I just played you and after that went and tested my team and strategy against bunch of top elo teams starting from number 1. Somehow my team managed to win every single game so I suppose my own set up, which I just finished, is not too bad.
Unfortunately I am out of games so I can not scrim you more.
Hoping to get some games soon to continue testing my team but yeah you beat me. Was super close though we had the same amount of kills :(.
Screencapped the strategy tab. I can post it in a week or so. Just wanna secure a position first.
Didn't train any players by the way so if you got better players than last time your chances are better now.
I think I was overvaluing Jax. I'm doing a lot better now that I stopped first picking him.
Yo I'd like to get in on this. I've been playing the top Elo teams and doing decently but I'm out of sandbox games
Edit: okay you boys are a bit better. Lots of games to look at now though
so i can beat loagic somtimes and psyman a bit more than loagic but i cant fricking beat veni. >.< ( i think I know why though.
Actually after playing around a bit I realize that my players are not quite up to snuff to compete against you guys. Mostly in the solo lanes. Cant wait to try out some new ideas once I get my sandbox games back.
Veni is tough. He must have a couple $25K players or I just got really bad rolls on my 10ks. Looking at the big gap between my income ranking and elo ranking I might just suck at strategy too :)
My best player has a 13 and i can beat him atm so the strategy is probably more important.
Loagic took couple of games from me. I returned the favor. It would seem he beats me as it is when I am on purple side and vice versa. Unfortunately i don't have time to take a closer look at those game to figure out why. Nor I have time to spam games against him to see this really is the case in the long run. Maybe his team and/or strategy is just better. Need to find out...
Since I am about to head to the airport and fly away for holiday for next two weeks I am sure you guys will crush my little team when I get back. As it is I do not have any 25k players. I do have bunch of 10k players and couple of 5k individuals. In general three of my players are of good level while rest 2 are just decent. Those 2 do their job but need to be replaced as they are holding rest of the team back a little bit. Thats going to take a while. I only have 2 sponsors and in general tried to build everything "legitimately" so my financial structure is not good enough and wont be good enough for a while for me to improve my team. I feel like I should have started with 3 sponsors. I am sitting at -8000 debt, which I can deal with but getting back to my feet financially is going to take some time.
Teamfight instructions so far have been the key for my team. I can not count on laning phase going in my way the way I would like it to go due to those 2 players of mine not being up to the task so I tone it down a little with goal of at least going roughly even.
I followed tips given on this thread and paid more attention to picks and bans. I almost always take away pyro and magic dmg supports in general (mage supports). I do this because I want my adc to do well. Actually this is the only reason why I do this as it leaves me open at other places like mid - I have to deal with things like Card Master and Evil. That's bit of a problem at times. Maybe I should just take out Pyro and Evil.
So in essence I just try to play around weaknesses of my team (weaker players) and set everything so that my stronger players snowball. Thats about it and I have to leave now so that I dont miss my flight.
Now you can test my new jungler he is brilliant!
You might want to try someone other than Kayle mid.
Yea, your midlane just rolled over and died. Upgrading it would change the outcome probably. Easy fix.
User I check your team and holy, what are you going to do with all your players? Looks like you can easily be like Cloud 9 and make a substitute roster for challenger Series
Finally managed to beat you! Slightly above you in team ELO now, hopefully we get to face you in team ranked some time for a proper match. :p