Why not just ban or reset anyone who currently has more than 50k or 60k money balance? That would work seeing as there is no legit way they could have that much 1 day post reset. Its frustrating to lose all your bids on Staff because people are doing 25k offers.
bUT WHAT IF SOME1 FOUND REAL STAR PLAYER and he just sold him for much much money?
Well that would be fine except the reset just happened, the first scouted players just got out. Its not possible to have a super star who could sell for 20-30k because no one can legit pay that right now.
Some players can Don't ask me how they have that money but they do
Thats the point. You CANNOT do it legit. They get that by putting a player up for bid for 30k, logging into another account and bidding the 30k, repeat. Then they get all the money on one account. That's the issue. So just ban people who have over 50-60k or have made that much, boom problem solved for right now.
this isn't totally true because of the academy system being a bit funky. By now you could have some good money since its been 24 hrs since the the first academy spawn. Academy players depending on how much money you put in coulda been amazing.
Yes but someone still has to buy said amazing academy players... and without cheating they wouldn't be able to speond 20-40k on one.
actually they can, Just dont spend money on sponsors, put everything into the youth, pick up 3 players at 10k each. Sell them. Aome of the high money players are also inactive. The people who spend all their money picking up a good player has no sponsor spots now and since it seems they disabled welfare now they will have 1-2 good players they bought but no income. So they are screwed, cause they counted on the automatic 10k you would get everyday as an income
I've bought 5 players from academy and now I pay 5500 for their salaries. My sponsors give me 6500, so basically I have 11000$ income per day.
Yeah now you do, you didn't yesterday, its been two days since the reset. 24 hours after the reset people were sitting at 50-100k+ That is literally impossible without cheating. Yes now you could have 50k legit.
Nice math.
1 day times 11.000 equals sums up to 100k
Lol no it doesn't. Here is how it works. The most money anyone can make one day 1-2 is 13-14k. Day 1 of reset, everyone starts with 30k and 5 players. Now if they spend no money at all and pick up a sponsor, there only income will be the sponsor (2-4k) plus the welfare (10k). So thats 12k-14k. Now lets say they also sold off all thier players so they didn't have to pay salary, 300-2k a player is what base level players were running on a good day. Thats 1500-10k (complete max) So by selling all players, spending no money, and getting a sponsor. Thats literally the max someone could have legit by day 2.
The first day wasn't even over. No finances except market and people racked up 70k.
Market is how they cheat the system. By having an alt account pay 30k for a random player.