Starting Strategy?

Hey Guys!

Wanted to see if anyone had some good basic idea on strategies to start off with.

What should the % share for each position be in itemization?
Who are really strong champions?
Should players be agressive?
I can only confidently answer the last of your questions:

Group at 15. Simple as that. Right now the game is basically decided by whichever team gets the first inhib. If you group later than your opponent, it's more than likely that you lose any advantages you made in lane since your enemy will push your Inhib in about 1minute after they grouped.

Concerning the other questions... I dunno really. I tried making sure that each of my player will be guaranteed to get an AP or AD champ (JGL, SUPP, MID = AP / TOP, ADC = AD) and then I spent the points accordingly (while leaving a few points in Tankiness and Utility).

Strong champions... well, all of them have their pros and cons I guess. Make sure that your midlaner will play champs that are strong in mid, your adc plays adc champs etc.. (you can check it in the 2nd tab in the strategy site).
To me it looks like there are a ton of similar top tier ADCs all bunched together so it doesn't really matter which one you get. I prioritize TF, Jax, Raka and Janna. For %s I build pure damage on my strongest players to maximize the advantage in lane and rack up the kills and tankier on my weaker players. Seems to kind of be working and got me in the top 5 team elo so far but it's a pretty small sample size.
Anything for How players should play?

What distribution is good for positions in damage, tankiness and ultility.
Your players stats depend on the champs you want to play, but principally your Mid/ADC will go full damages (on AD or AP depend on your champions pool) with a little bit of utility + tankiness. For the jungler in my opinion it's more balanced like 25/25/25/25 or 30/25/25/20 and finally the supp is a lot of Utility and tankiness and zero damages (But i saw some of you guys playing full AP supp so ..)

EDIT : Toplane really depends on how do you want to play it
No one wants to share all of their knowledge yet to keep ahead at least for a while ^^

What's mostly common knowledge by now is that you generally set your lanes to "kill" except for Jgl and supp. Supp depends on the pick and your player.

Also, always group at 15.

Strong champs are quite easy to figure out and part of the fun in this game honestly.

Try a ton of different priorizations, should you get beat, either experiment with combinations of champs or just assume you gut beaten by a must-pick and take it away or ban it.

Regarding points: Maybe another time :) But again, figuring out what works and what doesn't is the whole fun of this game.

Unless you enjoy clicking once and watching your team win for eternity ;)