Game broken.

There is no way that i can play game right now, even with my best strategy after making stats form 1 to 10 for champs in every category. How I can win with my team when most of my players have stats 1,2,2,1,1 and one with 1,0,1,0,1there no way! on market i have seen players like that http://i.imgur.com/myXCP98.png
randomness is too big. WE should have points to distribute or evry1 should have same stats!
I pary to devs to make instant reset now.

For now I quit playing copmetetive.I dosen't make point for me. It;s all about luck now....
Those players were from the youth academy and then sold on the market for money. Just hire players from the academy. same thing they did, you'll get the same quality players
Apply to Youth academy, that's where you can currently easily get some good players with good stats. We will tweak the balance in the near future.
I don't think that we should be able to get players with stats like this fast and starting players stats are still to random, how i can play when he have two stats with 0 points?

Edit. For now I quit playing copmetetive.I dosen't make point for me. It;s all about luck now....
I only have the starter players. Doing fine by myself until now :/
User they already said that they kinda messed up the stats and forgot to adjust the youth academy player.
Just like you I am somewhat mad about it but as of now (since Henri said they wont do a player reset) all we can do is try to get them aswell and look for other ways to get back in the driving seat.
I wanted to play not to watch game is one big random now, no real strategy. I want to enjoy game they should reset it like they did it yesterday or at least don't count it as real season. I don't want to see that game wiill lose playerbase due to mistakes like this. For now i just quit playing.
And what? Youth academy don't work for me...................
It doesn't work immediately...

Just allocate some budget (like 500 or 1,000 or heck, 10,000) and state how many youth players you require.

If you say 3, you will get 3 new youth players that will cost you 3 times the investment. If you want to spend 500 on youth players and you get three, then you'll spend 1,500.

They will then appear during the daily update (i.e. in 8 hours I think?)
Burh I know how it work, yesterday it even stolen my money
Edit: I want to hear response form cmanager or from devs
Yo know I love this game and i want to make it better with community, but for me is a killing update now, I respect dev choices and decisions. It's just my respond and opinion to lastest update