So My Team Just Lost 39-7.

My team had 39 kills while the enemy had 7 kills. Despite having well under half my team's gold, the enemy team all grouped up at the 18-ish minute mark and nearly took the entire base (Mid T1, T2, IT, Inhib, and NTs). My team didn't respond at all. :'(

This is major sadface. Is grouping earlier, despite being down an extreme amount of gold, just the best way to win?

Yeah, it was really weird how they just didn't respond at all to the push, despite being lightyears ahead. I'm adjusting strategies and hoping for the best. >>
That's what happened in my game, too. They do some awkward jungle pathing and just get behind on the push. It's super...well...lame. :D
I've seen this in multiples of mine too. Ahead the whole game then group up to go bot for some reason while they push mid down and my team doesnt respond...
Have you set grouping to 15 minutes?
Everything after min 15 is luck atm :D
It seems that whatever team is able to be on the push faster wins the race and gets a tower or two before the other team backs - so, part luck, but it comes down to timing :)
Oh of course. I'm pretty sure everyone's figured out that not having "group at 15" means you lose. The first team to group and push (mid) wins.
Now if only I can say screw it to grouping at 15, and pick the ARAM strat. Bronze players would wreck any challenger team in this game.