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  • Leagues have been generated and filled with teams!

Leagues have been generated and filled with teams!

The season has started and leagues have been created!

Teams that were previously created have been placed into leagues however the new teams that are created after the script ran will have to wait a little bit since the script to replace a bot with a new team requires a bit of optimization before I can use it.
I'm waiting for adding to League
Do we get money for every game won or for season end?
Hey I had a question about league, since it's the 1st season everyone got a random place (mine is div.4). I supose there is reward if you reach 1st place. But will the best of div.1 will get a better reward than the best of div.4.

I know it sound a little bit ankward but well it seems legit to me that all reward should be the same for 1-2 season (I'm maybe wrong tho)