That feel when you try hard to get your awful top laner with a toplane rating of 1 to be better by giving him 3 coaching sessions and you see +1 to mid rating. FeelsBadMan. In the future will we be able to somehow target where they get points?
Why are you even playing a top laner with a rating of 1?
Hm are you sure your coach is the best at toplane? Sometimes it is a bit random apparently (got a Coach with 10Rating Adc and 2 Jungle and he my Adc gained Jungle Points 2 days in a row).. but ye getting a toplaner with a better rating than 1 might not be that hard
Like the others said, why bother with a top laner with only 1 in the skill? Do a roster swap or buy a new player my man, it's not worth trying to train that :)
At least the teams are being reset so he doesn't have to worry about it but I'd certainly have found betterr even if it took promoting from academy