I was just curious to see if any of you top teams would be interested in discussing strategies. I think I have a good idea of everything but I know there is a lot to learn and I also became very confused after scouting your teams XD anyways just wanting to try my luck thank you for your time.
p.s. Im coming for you
Ask questions, and im sure some will be happy to answer :)
Not that much to it strategy wise.. Getting up in the ranks is 70% logistics.
Looking at some of the top 50 teams, 98% of them has a bad strategy, so it seems having some strategy discussion could be of use to a lot of people.
What is the perfect strategy?
There is no perfect strategy.
However, there are currently ~3 setups that can be considered viable. Rest is beaten by either of those 3 strategies.
which are?
There are 2 strategies that work atm.
Double healer, and triple healer. - aka 2 utility and 3 utility comps.
Double healer: There are 3 variations of this. - Adc/sup - sup/jun - top/sup
Triple healer: There are 2 variations of this. - top/jun/sup - top/adc/sup
Basically what this means, is that your healers will have high utility stats, and the rest none.
As for picks, jiust look at top teams and read the nerfs/buffs each season.
I hope this clarified something - if not i can go into more detail, though without telling you a straight up strategy ;)
EDIT: The third strategy is full blown utility, it can work, but it isnt really viable...
"Not that much to it strategy wise.. Getting up in the ranks is 70% logistics."
why you lose to 2k less elo all lvl 0 logistics then??? @dimlighthero
Logistics != Facilities
Getting a good Academy timing in is much more important.
Skiddoo, if you're talking about the sandbox games, Dimlight probably has a sandbox specific strat set up that isn't the main strat. Folk can do that to obscure their league strength n' all that.
isn't that exactly against what he says? why have a sandbox specific strat set up that isn't the main strat if the main thing is logistics=academy timing apparently. i dont even have academy and all my players are the original ones with 7 stats or 42 yo players from 1$ scout with 5 stat. Regardless he is using his best players in those sandbox games so... regardless of whether his strategy is his main one or not it defies his argument anyway
and btw the strategy is the main one
So umm.. yeah... Let's talk strategies instead? :)
I believe i'm irrelevant to the topic, besides the OP didn't post again so what's the point of talking about anything? (:
3 healers??? That's not a team comp you usually see in the real game lol. Hm ok I see so this game functions kind of differently. It's not just about having a tanky top laner and assassinating their adc.
@Sky0sub: You gotta remember, this is a simulation and not the real deal. Lot of the features etc on this site, is skewed towards optimal play. I dont run 3 healer setup, ccause it usually gets beaten på 2 healer setup (if teams are equal).
It comes down to what slides you've worked on, and what attributes you find most important :)