Played 1st sandbox game and lost with positive stats?

Hi All - Very new to MobaManager so please ignore my noobery!
I have just completed my first sandbox game after working through the advisor tips etc. I picked a team with a slightly lower than 1200 elo and I am complete confused by the end result which was a Loss for me:

Gold: 61227 (to me) > 31648
Kills: 34 (to me) > 1

Any idea how this is even possible? Am I fundamentally missing something here?

Many Thanks

Short answer is:
You havent made a real strategy yet.. You're running utility on all 5 players and so is your opponent. Utility is AOE healing, so when you're healing all the time, the game turns into a long teamfight, where you kill a few, they respawn and etc etc..

If you want to not have this occuring, i suggest you polish your strategy :)

I can tell you that the key stats are: Armor, Magic resist, Physical dmg, magic dmg and utility - how to arrange them is up to you.
Ah okay - I did change a few stats around to improve the areas suggested but maybe I just need to lower my utility more on some of my team to improve those stats further.

I still don't understand how I can lose having died only once and the enemy dying 50+ times but I will take your advice and see how it impacts things.

Cheers buddy - appreciated :)
Basically minions won the game for the other team.
I took your advice and I won a game or two but still lost under the same circumstances so I just went really extreme on what I felt you was saying and it seems to be working haha :)
Bonus info: More offense is better than defense ;)