Tips on Academy

Hallo Fellow Mobamanagers,
I'm fairly new to this game (just started 1 week ago), and would like to request your opinions on the Academy.

I have a balance of 360.000$, and a 'low stats' starting team at average age 20.

Should I invest in the Academy? Or focus training the players i was given from start?

If I should invest in the Academy, how and what amount should i spend? I have level 4 in all facilities, and 5 sponsor slots so far.

The Warlock

Academy is not for the newly startet players, its for long term use only. There's only 1 good way of doing it and that is getting a 13 yo (1mil starting) - and 100k training a day. This is the ONLY way you should do it.

If i were you, i'd get some caoches and get some decent players off the market if possible. Don't go into academy yet, wait a few seasons untill you have a good economy.

- zeta