datJesper, around 45+ on their main stat, their side stats will be 20ish, but training tec and agg with a 10 coach at that point is easy, your main stat will be getting to high 50/low 60 when ur side stats will be getting to 50 at some point. When they hit 22 years they wont be really improving anymore and at that point coaches are only making sure their stats dont drop, or drop less.
datJesper, around 45+ on their main stat, their side stats will be 20ish, but training tec and agg with a 10 coach at that point is easy, your main stat will be getting to high 50/low 60 when ur side stats will be getting to 50 at some point. When they hit 22 years they wont be really improving anymore and at that point coaches are only making sure their stats dont drop, or drop less.