Champion Mastery

So I tried to search for some posts on how it works etc, but was not really able to find any useful information.
As of lately I've been trying a tactic where I outban peoples "highest mastery champion" wich led me to see that champion mastery effects the game ZERO :) let me give you an example:

A couple of weeks ago, I managed to pick my ADCs best champion which at the time was a 60% Boomerang, I noticed that the team I was going up against always banned Rocket girl and Plague rat.
Since I was on blue side I firstpicked my Boomerang, and checked the mastery of the opponent ADC, and found that besides Boomerang, Rocket Girl and Plague Rat, this guy had about 10% on Valkyre Pilot and no other "ADCs" in its mastery pool.
So I went ahead and banned Valkyre Pilot along with Frost archer to make sure there was only 1 "default adc" left which would be Mushroom.

And as predicted, my opponent (who had 0% mastery on Mushroom) picked this champion, and utterly destroyed my botlane, his Support was playing pretty bad, and also the player had pretty bad ELO so I was guessing he had pretty bad stats, as the team was about 300-400 lower on ELO than me.

I had been playing agaist them before and winning just doing minor changes henche why I thought I should try this out.
Been trying it a few times on other lanes where I know I can get my strongest pick and giving the opponent a champion they have 0% mastery on, it does not effect their gameplay at all, so what is the point of Champion mastery?
And as of lately I have noticed how alot of people tend to pick champions that they have 0 mastery on, on purpose just to get the variety of picks in "odd-lanes" and really mutilating their opponents, also the player I was up against confirmed the stats of his ADC which was about 30:ish in ADC and 15-20 in the other stats, my ADC got 45 in ADC and 30;ish in every other stat. When I changed back to my old strategy and let other ADC picks through I won just as easy as I did before which made me think even less of ChampionMastery.

I mean two teams from Div1 fought eachother few weeks ago, where one team had a BladeMaster 70%+ and the other team had 0% Plague Rat, where the later made the BladeMaster look like a fool.
Champion Mastery has an impact, but it's not that big.
You can check it under the game tab of replays.
General -> player champ exp.
Even with zero games, you get 70p here and after a few games you'll barely get points here due to the diminishing returns.

So, yeah. Kinda hard to make the difference here. Other stats are just more impactful