Division 1

This idea is something I've been thinking about, but haven't been able to fully develop as it has a lot of moving parts, and I don't have others to really bounce the ideas off of to get feedback. Either way, I'll give a brief overview and would love to know what others think.

Now, I am of course enjoying what we have going on so far, along with the future ideas that I see being put in motion. However, once we get to the top, what else is there? The issue I see with this game, is that those that start off, will one day get to the top, and unless they quit, that is it. They will forever remain up there. They will make the most money, have the best coaches, leading to the strongest players, preventing anyone from being able to compete against them unless their is a cap on players.

Now to look into what I thought of-- We can have Leagues be different from our versions of the NALCS, EULCS, LCK etc.. We can create multiple pro leagues (probably not called the same as League of Legends, but we'll come up with something) that purchase talent from the lower leagues.

We have our divisions, but division 6-1 is only the start. That can be the "farm" league to the pros, considered the amateurs. The pro leagues on the other hand will be teams that are created from players that have the required amount of money to create such a team. Money earned over time just like we make now.

Example: Say between Dertheia, TSQ and myself, all have 100k. With that, we can each make a team where we we would bring in players from league teams. Perhaps I hire an ADC from User's team, a jungler from Slaxxarn's team and so on. They would have to accept the contract I propose to them, and then a portion of the earnings goes to User and Slaxxarn themselves, leading to them being able to one day save enough up to make their own pro team-- or perhaps their goal is to continue fostering talent for other pro teams.

Perhaps if the game becomes big enough, not just one person would run a pro team anymore either. A group could combine, each filling a position for the pro team, with one being the primary owner, one being a strategist, a scout etc.. Of course, our User Account itself would probably need to have stats at that point. An ability focused on being able to scout players stats/overalls, without them being 100 percent accurate. Skills to scout opposing teams to generate other strategies, or your own skills to be able to implement strategies which with lower stats you would not be able to use with the team.

Anyways, I don't wish to ramble on for TOO long, so I'll end it with that despite much more going on in my head. Before I spew anymore out, I'd prefer to see what others think. I believe a style like this could help make the higher leagues much more interesting, especially with groups working together to make teams in the future, and possibly branching off to make their own team later on. Not so different from the pro leagues of other sports. All NFL, NBA, NHL head coaches at one point worked under another, then went on to lead their own team. With this, the same can happen here keeping competition forever tense.

Thanks for those who read it all, and even more thanks to those who say what they think!
I would like feedback on my idea, and what others thing of the current state of how Division 1 is ran. Do you guys think it would be possible for players, after the first wave, to ever actually compete with the people on top, aside of them leaving the game?
But first they must fix Ranked game system.
When you get on top in ELO ranking you start playing with 2 teams and if you lose first you know you will lose rest of them.


Also I want to see somthing like "Hype Invitational"
10 (one for each position so we will have two teams) best players(chosen by Rating, not ELO) gets invitation for it. They have same strategy as in their normal team. They will get best champs for their position (no bans and picks) and then they just play vs.
Secon idea.
"Challenger series"
You can choose max one player from your team. He will join League with other players but only from same position (ADC, jungle etc. one league per positon)
They play 1vs1 They pick random champ best for their postioion ( each player in match will have same chap) After league ends, "Challenger Team" will be formed. Then you can play versus this team and if you win you will get rewars for example.
Events will be held after League ends.
I like that Idea too but like User said, there are other things that are important which needs to be fixed first in order to think about late game content.
Overall I'm curious to hear what else you have on your mind about that topic btw.
The aspect of players working together and reaching their aims is always something that tends to keep a community growing (friends contact eachother because they need reliable members etc.) which would be a great side affect too.
Im not sure if I got your idea completly.
But in my opinion the things you say just put the problems you mention onto another step.
How will you be able to join such a group of players that are grouped to keep the best Team with one Scout one Owner etc.
You need to find some other players as good as you are and have luck to reach the point the other teams already achieved and as you said it unless some of the guys in these teams quit you wont be able to join them. Potentially some guys even switch over to the best teams if they see how good they are and leave the lower teams behind.

I think either the whole System will have at least some fluctuation or you need to at least soft if not hard reset it from time to time.

Sorry for my english it has been quite some time. hope my points came through anyway.
So maybe Organizations that will unite teams and users?
This idea is great and is something that we have also discussed a bit. However I will let Henri answer you in more detail when he gets the time as he is super busy atm with all the developments going on.
To help mix up the top teams, and prevent them from being power houses forever, you can do one of two things, or put both together.

One thing I mentioned in another topic was player personalities. A mix of two stats can aide in this. One stat being player attitude, and another would be loyalty. Player attitude, a stat ranging from 1-100, would have a direct influence on loyalty. If their attitude is low, then if they are not the star player, performing well in games on the team, or even based on how much their team wins, their loyalty will drop. That in turn will make it hard to resign them, if even possible at all.

This attitude stat would be valuable for the game owners/moderators to be able to fluctuate, and make it difficult to have too many top players on one team. Players with lower attitude and high stats want to be the STAR, and not share the spotlight with someone else.

Another way is simply having an age in the game. Don't exactly need to have forced retirement, but, their stats begin to decrease with age. Like in all sports, reflexes always begin to fade at some point.

Other random curve balls could help keep things interesting too. Situations that Team Liquid had with Dardoch, where your players randomly get suspended for messing up (again, can be effected by the attitude stat on how likely it is to happen.) I can go on forever, but once more, I would prefer to have feedback before I continue = D
Easiest way to make sure that Top teams don't remain the top teams forever seems to be The concept of skill decay and also a skill cap that is hidden except to the person who discovers the player through their youth system. This could lead to World class players there are only say 50 of them in the game at any given time and they can be trained and maintain the highest stats of any player. While National elites can get to the top stats but thier decay rate is much higher and will lose footing much faster than a world class player. If you make World class players as rare as I stated and have insane decay rates on lower tiers then even teams with all the money will only be able to purchase short stays at the top without incredible luck. Where as those that find that World Class talent have the tendency to climb tables quickly and can then compete even with the top teams. Its something Similar to hattricks decay model but only much more drastic becuase 25 is old in LoL.
good idea!
The decay system is quite common and working fine, i guess.
wc3manager, csmanager etc used them as well for a reason.
I would love more feedback, and input on what others think of this idea. Especially you Henri when you have the chance. Net likes it, what about you =D?

This would also work with the minor league idea in the other topic that DcFofer brought up:


As always, I'd love as much replies as possible, no input is bad input.
Someone else has now brought up ideas on minor teams in suggestions, so I wanted to bring this topic up again as I asked of it a long time ago.

With newer players around, I'm wondering if any of them have stuff to say, along with the staff running this place. Shoot it down, love it, either way I want to know it =D