Customization of champion in SoloQ

Hello ;

I've started to "Customize" Champion to pick in SoloQ.

While it is really interesting for mastering a champion really quick ; it is affecting SoloQ stats really badly.

Since for exemple my ADC is picking an ADC while Jungling; Mid or TOP his ELO have started to fall a lot.

Should I use this option 100% of the time ?

I know I'm asking a lot of question recently ; thanks again to all of you guys :)
SoloQ Elo is not really an important stat overall.
-affects streaming revenue slightly
-highest elo is requiered for sponsorship deals.

Therefore you do not really have to care about soloQ stats.
So for your main team, it makes sense to farm champion mastery, as long as you have at least one player with high elo.
For my top player Elo I'll delete this option then !

Thanks !
Honestly I don't know if it has any effect on streaming, but as stated it's simply needed just for the star player requirements. The best way to get high elo is to just make them good players through training. Alternatively you can buy a high elo player on the market to meet the requirements. Only issue is they tend to be high stat players as well so they cost a bit of money.