Importance of player stats in game performance.

How much do the stats of your players count towards winning games?

I've upgraded my 4 of my players from starting trash (average 5-8 stats) to some beefier ones (average 12-16) and I only gained like ~80 ELO with the same strat, with barely a 60% win rating, across ~20 games.

Thanks in advance.
Oh and just to mention, the game strat I'm using is based off the most recent guide, so it's not some completely random one that would invalidate player performance.
Hey, you're team is about the same age as mine and you've run into the same problem that I have. Trying to figure out why you lose. I've come across a few teams where I play tons of games and lose all of them. I keep sandboxing and tweaking strategy to see what happens.

I played two games against your team, the first glaring thing that I see if your picks and bans are rather off meta. If you change them, you'll probably increase your performance. For example, in both our games I was able to get pyro girl and rocket girl (arguably the best ADC and Support/Mid) while you first picked death reaper.

If you look in the game report, the champions you pick matter a lot.

Secondly, looking at the statistics. Your strategy somehow causes your top, jun, and supp to do way less damage than your carries. Most likely, you're probably investing too much in defense on those roles or your team fight positioning and whatnot isn't working well. This is mostly speculation based off my limited experience.

I'm as new as you are, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I'm fairly certain, however, that tweaking your champion picks will increase your win rate by a good chunk.
Oh, to actually answer your question.
Going into the game report and hovering over different categories will show you how much your player stats are affecting that number. This report is a pretty good indicator of who will win a game.
Thanks a bunch for the help!

I just scrimmed you like a million times trying out different offense / defense stats as well as positioning, seems like nothing worked. Whether I pushed all-in on offense, or balanced it out more, I'm always apparently doing too little damage. Last I checked, positioning in order of depth is still top / jg in front and carries in the back, right?

I've noticed in the player reports that I've got an advantage for 3 out of 5 players, so not sure how that translates into losses, but I'll keep experimenting. Thanks again!
Disclaimer: Mostly estimated guessing.

I've found that I've been putting Jun in front with top and supp next and last carries. But all of those are the 3 most cautious choices. My Jun always does least damage. I've tried out putting my top back too, though, because they also do a lot of damage. One of the choices that seems to affect the statistics a lot is whether you dive carries or not, I can almost always see a difference in Damage Taken after the games depending on whether you dive carries or protect your own.

I looked at a lot of the games. I would watch a bunch of the replays. Figure out which lanes lost and why. Your lanes are always ahead in CS but I'm getting kills. and have more gold. Are you losing to jungle pressure? What do you do for drag and baron?

Also, I'm fairly sure that champion picks matter a ton. If you're specifically looking to beat me, look at the champions I pick and how the lanes play out. What strategy am I using? How can you stop my strategy from working? This won't help too much in general winrate, but then you can look at your own strategy.

What are you trying to accomplish? How are you doing it? How to I arrange my strategy and champion picks so that my strategy is always going to work, no matter what champions I get? What enemy strategies are going to work well against me? How do I minimize their effectiveness while keeping my own strategy generally strong.