I'm hoping that with the new economy changes we can expect more warning before engine changes. since income day to day is going to be more attached to wins, we need to know when to expect to log in and adjust our strategies.
Even minor bug fixes can alter how games play out.
We are open for discussion if you feel that these changes should be announced even earlier then we did this time? What would be the optimal time for big changes? I personally feel that these bigger changes should always be during the season change because this will give the players couple of days to test and adjust their strategies.
No, the economy changes were well handled. I just know it came after a period where game engine changes had us scrambling for strats over a week.
A season ended and champs got rebalanced, then the engine was tweaked (changin the meta to no armor or mp) and then a bug fix brought AD/MD more into balance (MD had an advantage). These changes were all very important, but I cant imagine how it would feel in the new economy to adjust strategy after the season end update, and then let your game sit for a day or two gathering losses because you didn't know they were going to bug fix md/ad
The changes themselves are fine, but since income day to day is going to be more win based, it would be nice if we could anticipate game engine changes and know that we need to make time around them to adjust.
I wouldn't even necessarily expect a "these are the exact changes we are making to the engine" but would expect a "On may 14th we plan to make changes to the game engine, so prepare to adjust your strategies!"