Glimpse of economy changes


here is an Imgur gallery of upcoming economy changes today:

Sponsors will be redone and each team will receive replacement sponsors for 3 days automatically so everyone would have more time to prepare.

Good luck and have fun!

im quite new to this Game and i dont really get what this is doing for me. Sry^^
At the moment i have 5 Sponsors. I get $ 111.132 from them every day right now.
What would i get approximately after the changes?
Now i love the fact my players are bad.
Please give me low wages :)
@stewie your player wages and sponsor income will go up so streaming income will matter less in the future. Besides that you will get more money if you frequently win ranked games and therefore there will be a more immediate pay-off for finding the best strategy and investing in your teams performance.
What would happen to players who've invested millions in upgrading to the 10 sponsor slots? Will they be refunded?
Sponsor slots will stay at 10 for now. Decreasing them is under consideration, but will only come once the new economy has been balanced enough.

If we choose to lower that, then yes they would be refunded.
Everything sounds great Henri!!! Thank you for hearing our advices and opinions, this would be great for all.