Increasing Bids on own players by bidding yourself?

I was trying to buy a player to strengthen my roster but got outbid several times. Now the last time i checked, I found out that the sudden price increase came from the players original owner themselves.
Link: http://i.imgur.com/nStW9cK.png

Now on to my question: Is this intended to be possible? Is it legal/encouraged?
click on his profile. report him.

that's not allowed.

e: are you sure, that guy was the initial owner?
when the auction is over, that link will show bid leader and owner as the same person.
Does the Due timer increase instead of decrease? If so then it's a visual bug where the bid winner's name is replaced with the owner one.
Unfortunately the auction is already over, so I cannot check the timer again.

When I took the screenshot the due time was approximately what I remembered it being the day before (when I made my bid), so it should not have been increasing.

However I dont want to accuse anyone of inappropriate behavior without being able to check wether it really was a bug.

Thank you for your replies though, I will keep it in mind next time I come across something like that :)