After this season ends we would like to move the daily update to be earlier than it is right now. We would prefer something like 16:00UTC, as this means that when something goes wrong with the daily update we are still probably awake and ready to fix the issue.
Let me know if you think this could have some negative side-effects for you or your gameplay.
Thank you for understanding!
I think 16:00 ingame time would be fine
I think that's a great Idea ^^
Could this not cause complications for some who worKA during those hours? Especially when it comes to the purchase of staff
I think its a very good time and its much better than the time it is now! at least for me who is an EU-fag.
I think is good idea as well, please proceed, Commander.
That would be midnight for me...
I think moving it to say 18:00 UTC might be a little better because of the time people are at school/work because it could mean there are complications with staff members etc.
That would be 3 AM for me, but I guess I am in the minority here. I would like to see seperate bid deadlines for each staff member so that people living in the right timezone have less of an advantage.
Does that also mean training occurs earlier in the day?
better late than never! Henry you're awesome! Also... I think the earlier the better.
This has been mentioned before, I think having 2 staff purchase windows could work quite well, especially for thoes who want to ensure they don't miss a hire window and it's one of the few time sensative game mechanics in the game except for the transfer market.
Ps. So we don't get drunk Alan and Mikk coding at a party anymore?
@Ed - I was there also!
I like the idea of two purchase windows, I think that it is a better solution.
I like the idea 16:00 server time is 13:00 in Brazil but doesn't really matter , this will be better for the game so I am happy if this change really happens.
@Netstand yours and Oww's posts that day were amazing.
But 2 coach hire windows could be a great thing, because if you forget to hire a coach for a day players aren't helpless to miss out when they loses 0.4 stats.
I think moving it to say 18:00 UTC might be a little better because of the time people are at school/work because it could mean there are complications with staff members etc.
It will highly depend on your timezone thought :/
That would be 3 AM for me, but I guess I am in the minority here. I would like to see seperate bid deadlines for each staff member so that people living in the right timezone have less of an advantage.
Then again, it's being moved BACK, if I'm not mistaken, so 5 AM isn't better (?)
One thing about the time zone weed, it would allow you to bid for staff and then train your player on the same day, reducing the amount of risk each player has to consider when making an offer, giving a more true reflection of the staff value.
16:00 sounds kinda earlier, but doesn't matter. It's more important, that you can fix problems after the update.