Simulator Update - 24 March 2017 @ 16:35UTC


todays notes:

Related to simulator:
1. Remove random from jungling, harassing in lane and fighting in lane.
2. Decrease random in teamfights.
3. Decrease damage in teamfights by 2 times.

Unrelated to simulator:
1. New game reports tab under game results view where you can see in comparison what skill values were calculated for one team's player against the other team's player. You can also hover to see in more detail how they were calculated. This will be improved soon enough. This will be seen on new games only.
2. Fix role order to TOP, JUN, MID, ADC, SUP everywhere. Let me know if there is still the old one somewhere.

What I didnt manage to do was a better 'fight' decision which I hope to take on Monday.

Once again, let me know if you have any feedback and cheers!
... im tilted
waste all afternoon trying to figure out GE ? CHECK
No more sandboxes and think you got somewhere? CHECK
GE gets updated ? CHECK
All you worked on is now "????" ? CHECK
Tilt until 8:00 coz theres no sandboxes? CHECK
At least this makes things a little more predictable when you work on your strat
Hey, sorry, forgot... Gave 20 sandbox matches.

And yes, I'm thinking of removing anything random related next week as to debug better, see what actually affects everything and whether things work logically.

Also I'm trying to come up with a plan for economic changes to solve some things being useless, some things costing too much and so on.
If you have any suggestions about economy then let me know about those as well. Thank you :)
Added "Position in sandbox ladder" field to sandbox area.
ty for remove some of the random.
Replay in question: https://www.mobamanager.gg/games/replay/8770272
So first dragon fight they all go to dragon, they all just gather at dragon and do nothing untill they are all 5v5, give visual clearance so i can see that they not just are on top of eachother but have a standoff, also champions who have high poke ability could poke the enemy low making them retreat(the reason why poke is in the game).

My team winst the teamfight and they all recall except the jungler(inconsistency issues i think, either all recall or none) and because of this my jungler does dragon solo for a bit but when the rest of the team arrives he recalls and my team just does nothing and jerk off at dragon waiting for the jungler to start it again. He recalls at 12.50 and he gets back at the dragon pit at 13.40. 50 Seconds of my players doing nothing and not gaining gold / exp. Dragon took 15 sec to kill and players get back to lane with the earliest being botlane back in lane at 14.15, mid back at 14.20 and top back at 14.50. Looking at the gold gain from the won teamfight and dragon I went from 13261 at around the start of the teamfight to 20676 when my toplaner can also start farming again.

Now looking at the level and cs difference at the start of the teamfight: top and jgl have 100 csr%, mid has 97csr% and adc has 91csr%. They are all lvl 5 except the jungler who is lvl 6. Enemy at that point has: top 93csr%, jgl 87csr%, mid 93csr% and adc 95csr%. They are also all lvl 5 except jgl who is lvl 6. Now going to the point when they are all back in lane at 14.50. Enemy top and enemy mid now have a level advantage. The gold farmed in those 50seconds of waiting time at dragon is around 250-300. If my team did dragon without the jungler which is possible when enemy team is all dead, my team wouldn't be up 1.5k but around 3k gold. Because of all the waiting the enemy caught up and the only advantage i have is now because of the won teamfight.
Then baron becomes the objective and both teams plan to do it but for some reason everyone backs away except enemy jgl who starts to solo the baron, he starts at 16.00 and ends it with a few random breaks in between at 19.05. Note that he also took 0 damage during his baron solo attempt(seems legit).

Dragon respawns at 19.55, becomes the next objective. Again both teams just stand on top of eachother waiting for the 5v5(as I said earlier visual clearance to know whats really happening). My team wins the fight with 2 surviving. Toplaner who survived recalls and goes back toplane, jungler who survives solo's dragon untill 2k hp, he then waits 15seconds and recalls. All the team goes to dragon again which is still at 2k hp. They all arrive around 22.55. Again they just stand there doing nothing for 30sec and when the jungler arrives dragon dies instantly because he still had 2k hp. Again 30sec wasted without gold gain.

At 30 min my jungler goes to solo baron but then randomly stops and finally he kills it after recalling at 32.05. If we also look at the levels again when baron dies, we see that my top is 2 levels, this is also because he keeps backing at full hp and on the wrong gold amount. The rest of my laners are 1 lvl behind.

Moving on to the next baron, enemy jgl is again doing it solo starting at 39.25, he then stops doing baron at 2.6k hp and leaves it. Then all the players come to baron and they teamfight in the purple side jgl around redbuff, they all die. Everyone respawns, goes to baron again, fight starts at 43.10 and they all die again. At 45.30, same thing again, 48.00 same thing. 50.30 Is the next baron fight, if we look at the gold we can see that the enemy toplaner has the most gold of everyone, the only difference from previous fights he survives. He then goes mid with 13% hp and no minions at the turrets to tank. He then proceeds to take the inner turret and inhib + inhib turret without losing hp, he only gains hp because of baron buff(so with 0 minions to tank he takes 2 turrets+inhib solo without taking damage).

Then they meet for the last time in mid, my team loses the fight because for some reason whole enemy team still has baron even though only 1 person surived the baron fight. Because they still randomly have baron they heal around 5% of their max hp every 5 sec. The fight lasted 30 seconds, so they healed for 30% of their hp for absoluty 0 reason because they shouldn't even have baron buff, only the toplaner should have it. Also my team should have had more resistances but when I look at damage dealt and damage taken I see that they take more damage then they deal.
So in conclusion my team was idle for 80seconds putting me at a lvl disadvantage, baron / dragon / turrets deal 0 damage to players, and some players back at 100% hp just because they feel a bit pressured due to laning style.
On a side note, I also notice that players refuse to attack turrets in the laning phase, they let minions kill the turrets, cause once players grp I can see that they do damage to turrets, in laning phase i don't see the message thay they do damage to a turret
Another replay:https://www.mobamanager.gg/games/replay/8770375
In this one the enemy has the following champions:
-top: Pirate King
-jgl: Invisible Lady
-mid: Blade Dancer
-adc: Rocket Girl
-supp: Pyro Girl
If we look at the dps in the live team stats menu we can see that they all do magic damage. However, Pirate King and Rocket Girl have a magic damage rating of 3 and 2. So how is it possible that they still deal alot of damage even though the magic damage rating is so shitty
Also adding to mennekes thing about turrets, they're worth 0 gold. Actually 0 gold. I mean it should be worth some gold and exp imo.
pls fix the soloq game