Can we change something about staff

so...I kinda feel the whole staff thing is kinda silly. It starts already with having 5+ coaches. I have never seen a team having so many coaches. So I wish there would be more realism in there.

Another point is, I don't understand why I can not offer a contract extension to the coaches I already have (should that be in there, then please tell me where)? Right now I have to look for a new coach each couple of days, + adding the training hours again (...and again...and again...and again). If I fail to hire a new one, then some player just don't get training and decrease.

So here is what I would rather have, with the amount of coaches in there right now:
- the option to extend contracts, which could be aligned to...whatever...maybe team success
- offer contracts for more than one seasons.
- If none of these, then please align all those contracts (sponsorship, players and coaches) to the offseason at least, so all that is not all over the place and we have an actual offseason going on.
TSM's LoL team has 1 coach for each position right now.
They are just behind the scenes. (Source: HeadCoach Parth's AMA)

- the option to extend contracts, which could be aligned to...whatever...maybe team success
- offer contracts for more than one seasons.

This would be broken as top teams could keep hold of the best coaches (especially REP managers for eternity and would be hard to balance, but I'll see what we can do)
Oh...okay, then I misjudged that, as I'm not playing LoL. Coming from SC2 where we had 3 coaches (one each race) for like 20 people.
Oh alright then, ye a few western LoL teams are starting to pick up role coaches right now and most korean teams already have it, it's a bit hard to compare to SC2.
At first I had the same opinion as OP but I follow the mods in their concerns about balance etc.. Therefor I suggest the following:

- Bind the contracts of coaches to seasons. This will get rid of a lot of clusterfuck of hiring coaches each couple of days etc.. Make it so you hire a coach for the rest of the season and when the season ends you need to hire (5) new coaches.
- Optionally: Each season: give us the opportunity to extend our best performing coach's contract ONE time. Next season he goes not matter what. This is kind of a happy medium between being able to keep a coach and balance imo.

As for OPs opinion about multiple coaches, I follow the mods here, I like having multiple coaches, each for one role. No need to change anything about this.