The game simulator currently still has flaws however I decided to switch to this one as to mix up things a little bit more and gather feedback faster. Currently known biggest issue is that 1st teamfight decides too much after which one team can just snowball away. All the games seem to be stomps either direction.
Will be looking for this and other issues requiring balance changes during the following days.
Season switch will be happening tonight then!
Good luck and have fun!
Please give your feedback and suggestions under this topic!
4 *) watch at 17 and 22min, a single guy does still stall the game until the whole team comes >> making early grouping useless *) weird pathing for drake/baron *) lanes snowball too hard *) mr/amor put you behind in early -> snowball
The first two points are bugs I guess. For the lane problem mr/amor should scale better in early and 'Kill' has to be nerfed, either give less gold or let them fight less.
Wasn't a general consensus that the game was too snowbally before?
Solution was to make it even more snowbally, I like it.
I am fine with all these stomps that my team is getting now , its really realistic to prevent my team to get depressed I believe a psychologist would be a nice addition to this game
CHillout guys ... It ain't easy to modify this shit. Give feedback don't thrashtalk, nobody likes being thrashtalk :/
Please bring back hold GE, this GE is not ready to the game.
Laning phase is much better than before, midlane is not anymore only about one shoot, ganks become usefull. But teamfight and pushing are really unbalanced, i find it's a real issue that you can loose a game when you are 62/1 :/ In my game, I think the matter is the lack of reaction of the team against pushing...
I think there is something wrong with the new GE :D I won with 0 kill :S
We are currently sticking with this version and trying to continuously improve it. So for this season you can expect a few hot-fixes for the simulator. I will announce all the changes that are done though. I don't think it's good idea to go back to the old simulator either as it won't help in the longer term and I think it was not very satisfying as well.
We would do it on the test server, but I think it's faster to gather feedback here to see what needs to be improved, changed and fixed. Also to gather suggestions on how to solve some of the problems.
The priority issues I will be dealing with are following:
Laning phase snowballing.
There is currently a clear problem with snowballing. I can alleviate the laning phase snowball by adding scaling gold for kills as suggested by Ed.
Snowball after 1st teamfight
However this doesn't currently solve the issue where the game would essentially be still decided after first teamfight has occured. As then in most cases even a slightly stronger team gets enough advantage to keep going the momentum. In this case there must exist some type of advantage that a team could take to 'come back' into the game. This could be introduced by a team attempting to avoid teamfights and go for other objectives.
Teams getting pushed in a and inability to come out of it
Why some games are lost with 60 kills and 0 deaths. The inhib dies and the team can't get back into the game. I will be dealing with this as well. The inhibs to respawn, super minions a bit weaker and teams perhaps to react a bit faster to enemy push.
Other bugs
What MaZweG mentioned. Will go over this feedback as well.
I would also like to clarify about why we rushed with this version of the sim. I think everyone here agrees here that nobody wanted to wait for another season for the new updates to come out. However this update was only releasable in the beginning of the new season that is why we did it so fast.
Our goal is to fix most of the problems before the 1st league games starts. I hope that explains it a bit :)
PS! We will be adding some free sandbox games after Henri has dealt with the situation, the more time it will take us, the more games we will give out.
About soloq, you reduce the player elo, but have you fix the fact that academy players are gods compare to others even with the same or lower skill points? Because academy players are still win soloq game with full team kills and 0 deaths.
And i noticed that one SUP i create on academy is still +3500 elo but playing againts lower 1900 elo players. But my team players are around 2500 elo and play againts equal players.
SoloQ had an issue yes. Today's matches are scheduled still by the flawed system (where YA or just newer players will not get proper opponents). From tomorrow the matches should be scheduled fairly.
Ok, thanks
My team got 55 kills and the enemy team had 3 kills at the end my team still lose =(