-1 day left in contract after first day

Today i hired this player out of the academy: https://www.lolmanager.gg/players/show/49309 ,
but after the daily update i got the notifcation that "Your player MooSen14563 only has -1 days left in contract".
This was especially unfortunate because i invested $25.000 and he has insane good stats: 19 technical, 17 Jungle, 16 Support etc. .
I guess right now it doesn't really matter because the game resets in a couple days anyway, but im pretty sure that's not supposed to happen.
While I agree that this is very likely not supposed to be like this, you could've been very unlucky..
Waiting for an answer from one of the devs tho.
I think when you have hired a player from youth academy you must extend that players contract right away
It shouldn't be like indeed. Will be fixing this.