New features! Development log 2017/03/01


A quick update about our newest implemented features and bug fixes:

* Added "Your active biddings" section to market.
* You can now see all bids related to a specific player in market.
* Up and down navigation arrows to player detailed view. This should help to move between your players more easily.
* Sound services. Added sound to toasts. Added sound settings to Settings > Preferences page.
* Added champion images.
* Removed too hard tasks from todo list. Added “Watch game replay” task.

* Fixed bug where new player had all forum topics unread.
* Minor bug fixes to landing page and team creation view.
* Fixed padding bug in strategy bans page.
* Fixed market bug where you could see players with deadline already passed.

At the moment we are focusing on the game simulator and game results statistics, so you will see some big changes incoming soon™!

But for now,
good luck for Winter Tournament.

thats a good update , champion splash arts surely make the game more interesting for new players
Yes, make some updates on GE, only working utility junglers is limitied, like a carry sup is not realistic.
isnt sup carry even meta in real league atm? :DD
Carry support is really strong in League of Legends so I don't see why it would'nt make sense.
do i get banned if i run nunu supp?
How is carry supports not realistic? I play support and I carry all the time in League!
Remember that time Fee played Blitzcrank?
AP Carry Blitzcrank, ez pz
To be fair, if you forget the fact utility heals and consider it as simply gold spent helping your team... The current meta isn't that inaccurate, champion picks aside.
Thats why a play HoN, sup is support, even if can do something in the begging eventually carries will carry at long games. Supports are there to help carries to get kills and last hits, if the support takes the kills the team will lose.

ed i was saying the fact that right now is pointless build a jungler with damage, he can't kill anyone apart of jungler creeps.