I feel like something that is missing from the current settup is synergy.
We are able to have our players train on champions, to learn new champions and get proficient at them, but what about team synergy?
In real life, as you play with the same people over and over, you get to know them, how they think, their limitations and playstyle. Knowing these things, without having to ask, contributes a lot into what plays you can make and how quickly you can make them.
I feel like synergy should be a part of this game, too. As your team play together more, they become better at playing together.
I feel like this mechanic would give reason to perhaps cling onto that player who is performig a little less than average, and perhaps mean that when you get a new player, you do it in stages, getting them to play some standard ranked games to get used to the team, before using them in league matches.
Or perhaps even make it trainable in Sandbox games, so we have a new use for the Sandbox's! And giving us the ability to use our sandbox games to "tryout" new players.
How this would apply to the match replay I am not sure.
Perhaps, at 100% team synergy they have 120% stats, and at 0% they'd have 20% of their stats. Making synergy very important (As I think it is in real life)
Obviously numbers are inter-changeable, but as a concept, is this something you'd like to see in the game? Or if you're a staff member, is this something you have planned, or may consider?
** Additional, perhaps if you want to go deeper, the synergy doesn't have to be "Team synergy" but synergy with each other player on the team. If they play as a team, they raise their synergy with all players, but perhaps they could duo que with other members to train between them?
Also, in their solo que matches, they already play with other real players around their current ELO. Potentially training synergy with those players which, if they do end up on the team, would have a slightly better starting point?
Just some ideas.
** **And one more time. Perhaps even having it slightly simpler, having a "playstyle". So say Mr "Generic Mid" has a play style of "Aggressive" it'd be a good idea to get other players that have similar play styles.
But this may not make much sense, as you'd probably want a good mix around the team. But in botlane, it's a good idea for your support and Marksman to have similar laning styles.
Perhaps they could even be taught, so a passive mid-laner could be taught to be slightly more aggressive.
Thank you for this idea. We will definitely keep this idea in mind and consider this when we plan our next development round.
I like the idea, but I think you need to tweak the numbers. Synergy is important, but its not a huge game changer. i would make it 90->120 rather than 20 - 120.
if you follow basic rules of the game, you are going to do well, just not as well as a team who consistently plays together. would rather synergy give an edge to teams that plan around it rather than make it into a make or break stat.
alternatively, you could have synergy specifically affect the "teamfighting" skill more dramatically than all skills
Adding on to that point, the synergy level between 2 players up till the whole team can be worked on as well. As an example, mid synergy with jungle, or the bot lane duo having good synergy. Different matches of synergy between players can possibly boost stats in different areas of the players.