After 156 games, my support player is still in sub 1000 Elo ranking. His stats are only slightly lower than my star player at 1974 Elo. The difference, of course, being my star player has double the Mid attribute. He rarely ever gets support, something like 68% of his games are as Top and Jungle. I currently have 2 coaches devoted to him.
Is this typical of support players? Is there any way I can help him?
Well not that I understand this game yet fully but in my experience the player elo doesn't really matter that much. Only exception is the star player, then it matters for you need to have higher elo to get better sponsors. What you want from solo q games is champion experience for them to perform better at that specific champion that you use in your draft. This means that normally people will put their player to play only Blade dancer in every role they get in solo meaning that the lower elo solo games are filled with pretty trolly feeling teams. This can make it so that your player is having pretty darn bad luck and can't carry the games alone from support position or the player not having high enough stats. Anyway I would suggest you too not to worry about the single player elo that much and focusing on making that player play better on a single champion that you use in draft.
And this is like I said in my own experience maybe someone wiser will come and point out that I am totally wrong but then I will learn too! :)
"Well not that I understand this game yet fully but in my experience the player elo doesn't really matter that much."
This is correct. It's mainly star elo that is the focus.
I see. It still bothers me that my support's Elo is so much lower than the rest of the team though, is there no way to help him just for the aesthetic?
My support has never lost a game, my star player has never won a game (Solo que)