Henri's Log
- Chatbox won't fully ever close, but only minimize.
- [In progress] Custom tournaments will be buyable with credits.
- [In progress] Thinking of also adding an option to buy a prizepool of credits for a tournament (You could for example buy a tournament and then buy a prizepool of 1000 credits to spread around winners either linearly or top 3 will take it.
- [In progress] More custom tournament options and perhaps custom league formats.
- [in progress] Add more options to customize custom tournaments when you can create them.
- [in progress] Daily update due and description on which tasks go on
Mikk's Log
- [In progress] Working on filters for all the table systems.
Filters will be something you can add to each table for example in the staff area whether ADC should greater than 6 and so on.
Future plans
1. Layered features for the game that will open up when you've played for longer time period
So this is what we've been thinking to do for the new players so they wouldn't have that many options in strategy at first so they can concentrate on fewer things at first. As they play for longer more features open up. It's still under discussion if it should be the amount of days you've played or it should be according to Division you are in or completely something else. Perhaps every day you will open up a new part of the game.
2. Upcoming preview and preparation
You could have a view for analysing your upcoming opponent which shows all the small important details. You could also add a custom strategy for each game and prepare in advance.
3. Strategy UI fix
Make it better design wise and also UX wise. Design sliders and give more visual aspect. Also be able to set better and more customizable rules on when to use certain strategy, check if all of your strategies are valid with a single click and so on. Automatic strategy fixes perhaps.
4. Automatically generated news articles
News articles generated everyday that show perhaps:
1. 5 highest transfer market transactions.
2. Top teams from each division this day.
3. Top climbers this day.
4. Top upsets in higher divisions.
5. Top player that was scouted by some team.
... Anything else that could be generated based on a day and might be cool to see.
5. More achievements
1. Start adding more achievements so that everyone would have something to do.
2. Award achievements retroactively if they have already been fulfilled.
6. General refactoring and modifying the old systems and improving the ugliest UI and worst UX items
There's a lot to write here so I'm not going to point out every single thing right now.
These are more nearby future items that we have in plans for right now. We've lately been starting to test with a little bit of marketing as well to get more active players to the game.
Meanwhile have fun and enjoy your holidays!
PS: Do not forget to extend your players contracts if you won't be able to play during the holidays!