I lost a league game today, and when I went to see the match statistics, there was this message below:
"This game was surrendered due to invalid strategy/bot team/frozen account"
But I haven't changed anything in my strategy for 2 days, and I won yesterday the league game with the same strategy.
Could you please help me if I missed something or if it is really a bug? Please consider that I'm a new user :)
Thanks and best regards!
The game can surrender when one of the game participants has an invalid strategy, if it wasn't you then it was your opponent who had an invalid strategy, that also means u won this game because opponent had an invalid strategy and not you. When both participants got invalid strategy then the blue side opponent wins.
The problem is with my team, because I'm losing matches. It happened in my league game today also. But what I don't understand is that my tournament/ranked/sandbox games are being played with the same strategy, and I won most of them.
And today I won again without changing anything in my strategy. It's a bug indeed.
Can it be that your only winning for blue or purple side? Meaning that one of the side strategies is broken?
Wow, that's it! I created a new tactic and the game automatically selected it for blue side of league games. Thanks!!