Manager Meeting/Interview

I had this idea while reading threads about players who are nearing "retirement age". Personally, I don't think there is a uniform age at which players decide that it is their final stretch before they have to retire from the game. These things are determined by the player's ambition and their perception of how much they have left in them.

The purpose of the Manager Meeting would be to determine these two factors.

- Determine champion preferences early on.
You can ask your player what champions they enjoyed playing with before they become a part of the team and they will list the top two or three they excelled in. As the manager, you would have to balance player preference and acquired player ratings to determine which of the two is more beneficial to your team composition.

- Determine personal goals
Does your player have trouble fighting against a counter-pick? Do they have a rivalry with another player in your division that they want to beat? These are somewhat like side-quest type goals that grant minor bonuses for completion.

- Determine what the player's ultimate "goal" is.
Does your player want to make it into a certain division? Do they want to become number one in the world? Are they looking for team success or personal fame? As a manager, you may choose to build your staff to advance the skills or popularity of a player to help them fulfill their goals.

- Determine how much stat bonus (or decline) a player is getting for the next day of training in each stat.
How motivated is your player? Are they taking their training seriously or do they think their coach is incompetent? How does the player-coach relationship affect the progress of the player?

- Determine if the player wants to retire or become a coach.
Not every player wants to stay in the game after they've decided that they're through with it. Some players might want to pursue backup careers or other aspects of their life after their e-sports time is over. This might end up more cosmetic than functional in application.

In addition to players already on your team, a Manager Meeting might be available for prospect players. Much like in real life, you cannot realistically interview every player you might want to add to your arsenal, so you have a limited number of chances on the players you think would be best on your team.

This is an unpolished idea so far, but let me know what you think of this as a feature to add down the road for this game.
Holy, is this a manager game or sims?
just kidding. I like a lot of those ideas, but they are "just" extras, so they have no priority atm.

Maybe try it later again : x
In my honest option , these suggestions are good but would require too much of their time and there are other features that should to be added in this game before.